#sheith|angst|character death| @nerothecryptid

Keith has been keeping himself silence for so long, always faking up a smile at his 'best friend' who is going to get marry soon.

Not to him, but someone else, he couldn't even remember who it was,
He didn't want to, especially if its going to make him so fucking angry and..somewhere close to devastated.

So he hides the smallest spot of blood from Shiro, and everyone else. He hides it from his mom, he hides it from Kolivan and Ulaz too.
When he cough, he just pretend that he have a sore throat from not drinking enough water.

The wedding day creeping closer to him, and he finds it hard to breath, to compose himself and pull up the trembling smile.

Keith start to feel lightheaded, body shaking non-stop, and it
All went to hell when Shiro asked him to be his best man. He wanted to decline so bad, to scream at him and punch him in the face for hurting him like this.

But he didn't, and he just say-

"I'll think about it"

And the smile is back on his face again.
Shiro's smiled brightly and nodded his head in understanding, knowing that Keith still have work to do around the galaxy, and he felt so honoured enough when Keith said that he'll think about it. Then continue with the wedding frenzy shopping.
Everyone was happy for Shiro, fooling around and making the man laugh and relaxed and just, happy.

Keith stayed in his room for too long, his mother worried about him, told him to see Ulaz and see what's wrong with him.

"I-i'm fine, mom-"

"Don't lie to me Keith, I can see
It in your eyes when you look at him"

Her eyes sad, looking at him in sympathy. His throat close up, he tried to say something, but the tears start to spill, then he cough, he cough and he cough until he threw up blood on his feet. Saying at where he stand before his mother hold
Him in her arms. She was saying something, talking about calling the medical unit, but he grab her arms and shake his head as much as he can.

"Sh-shiro will know.." he swallowed the metallic taste of the blood that still on his tongue.

"Don't..don't let him know" Keith whisper,
Tears still streaming down his face, crying in his mother's arms, listening to her voice.

"Then you should rest, I'll tell him that you decline the offer"

No, Keith wanted to be there for Shiro, but a single look from her made him shut his mouth.
If this is hard for him, this is harder for her when her only son is suffering from this unknown disease and loving someone that did not love him.

Day passed faster, and the wedding day finally arrived. He knew Shiro is dressing up in the finest piece of clothes for his
Big day, and Keith is dressing up to..somewhere, anywhere that can bring him peace and perhaps improve his health condition. Kosmo want to follow him but he refused. No one know about his condition other than them. And he thinks, he's ok with that.
"I'll tell him that you are wanted in other solar system for a mission" she offered, and he smiled tiredly at her, nodding his head.

They hug, her arms tight around him and he felt like jelly, too tired and exhausted.

When they parted, she's about to cry herself and Kosmo
Whimper beside him.

"Come back soon"

"I will"

That' a lie, and they both know it. He'll go, far far away, and he won't come back.

Keith turned his back to her, and get inside the small ship made for one, giving her one last smile before flying out of the earth atmosphere.
((Back at this again! Using my dad internet, also the last line 0.59..imagine Keith said that at Shiro))
The wedding come and go, to say that Shiro was hurt because Keith decline his offer is an understatement, but he understand that he is a busy man, just like himself.

What he didn't understand is, why, just why Krolia won't stop staring at him when he talk to Curtis?

Kosmo also
Won't let him touch him anymore.

Lance said that the space wolf might be moody because Keith is on a mission and can't bring him along.

Hunk said that Kosmo is sad about something else, 'I mean, look at how he growled at you' Hunk said sheepishly.

But its true, Kosmo won't
Let him near him, going as far as growling and trying to bite his hands off.

So he left the space wolf be, and decided to ask Krolia about Keith, on when he'll come back.

And now with new purpose, he walk straight to Krolia and Kolivan personal office here on earth.
Kolivan was away with his troupe to a nearby solar system, so it should only be Krolia left in the room.

His prediction has been proven correct, before he could step any closer to where the sensor can sense him and open the door, he heard voices.
One obviously belong to Keith's mother, and the other one sound so distant and hurt..

He know he shouldn't eavesdropping, but he couldn't help it when Krolia's voice become desperate.

"I need you to calm down"

"I can't, i just..i can't. It hurts so bad that i can't breath!"
"Then come home-"

"No! No! Just, no! I-i can't..i'm.."

And the conversation stop with Krolia shouting Keith's name. Shiro eyes widened, and he step into the room without a second thought.

Krolia turned to him swiftly, and Kosmo at her side without a beat, growling.
"Was..was that Keith?"

"You don't have to worry about him, Captain of Atlas"

She tried to change the subject, but he pressed on, refusing to back down even when she glared daggers at him, he could care less.

"I wanted to see Keith"

"I've told you he's on a mission far away"
"From what I heard it doesn't sound like a mission report" Shiro challenged her.

He watch how her jaws tightened, how she grit her teeth and curled her fist tightly.

Then all the fight leave her body at once, shagging like a withering flower. "I hope you know you get yourself
Into" was all the thing she said, typing down Keith new number and pressed call, before leaving the room without a second glance.

It doesn't have to be long before the call were answered with a dark room flashing on the screen, there's barely any light and he can't see anything.
"Mom I -"

"Keith?" He asked, he can't believe the voice he is listening to belonged to Keith at all, he sounded so tired, completely worn out.

And it sound like he have trouble breathing by the sound of wheezing that he can hear.

"Keith.." he repeated.
"What do you want Shiro" its not a question, its a demand. Shiro swallowed, feeling something terribly wrong and misplaced.

"I haven't got all day, Shirogane"

Keith's hissing now, he sounded so angry and Shiro don't know /why/

"I-..I missed you Keith"
A huffing sound can be heard from the other side of the screen, and now Keith voice sounded so desperate and irritated.

"Is that all?"

"Wh- no Keith! It just, its been so long since the last time we get together, you, me and the team"
"Then go with them, bring your husband to take my place" Keith growled at him, something shifted and the camera were angled downward as the room Keith's in brightened.


"Excuse me?"

"You heard me Shirogane, I don't have to repeat myself twice"
"Why are you acting like this?" Now his own temper start nagging at the back of his head.

Keith has never talk to him like this, and it sounds like he is snarling at the mention of Shiro's husband.

Maybe he did.
"Watch your tongue, Keith"

He gritted his teeth,ignoring the alarming sound of coughing coming from Keith.

"What? Did he finally 'tame' you and make you the trophy husband?"


He warned him one last time, hoping for Keith to just stop and-

"I bet he 'oh so perfect
For you' isn't he? /Takashi/"

That's it, he punch the table with his Altean arm and shouted with anger lacing his voice and every words he spoke.

"Listen hear you brat! You didn't even come to my wedding, don't even know him, so you have no right
To insult him!"

The camera shifted again, but never look up.

"Why are you being like this? What are you afraid of huh? Or is that stupid brainless head of yours finally gave up on you? You have been avoiding not only me, but the others too! So don't you dare
To suddenly just insult my husband like the problematic kid you are!"

Shiro breathed out, but he's not done yet.

"Are you going to run away from your problem again like all those years ago? With your tail between your legs like the coward you are?"
Everything fall into deafening silence after that, his own heavy breathing sound too loud in his ears, he felt a headache coming and about to make a comment about it before the sound of someone sniffing caught his attention.

His eyes darted back to the screen where the camera
Has been fixed to face forward, showing the familiar BoM outfit and yet, the face of the owner has yet to be seen.

"You want to know what I'm afraid of? I'm scared of everything! I'm scared to move! I'm scared to breath! I'm scared to touch you!"

"You made me love you- you made me let you in and then you fucking 'died' in my arms! After all we've been through, I can't loose you..I won't survive, and that's your fault"

Shiro can see how the body tremble, and another coughing fit appeared, sounding wet and alarming.
Shiro opened his mouth to speak again, to quickly apologize and say that he didn't mean what he said earlier. But Keith beat him to it.

"But in the end it doesn't matter, you are the one who decided to let me go and leave me.."

Keith slammed his fist on the table that even made
Shiro jumped.

"I love you! I love you for a very long time but you decided to gave up on me when you promised that you never will!"

"I'm- I'm so sorry Keith- I didn't mean-"

"Shut up! Just go back to your husband and don't call me anymore!"

Shiro wanted to protest, but then
He sees a drop of blood, then another, and another. He sees how Keith tried to grab the edge of the table, struggling to hold his weight.

Perhaps Shiro has called out for Krolia in panic, then facing the screen once more when his eyes widened.
Keith has fallen to his knees- it seemed. Using the table for support, his skin look deadly pale, with veins can be seen on his neck and under his eyes, a trail of blood still flowing freely from his nose and he's coughing up more blood.
His hair has lost its fluff, some of it turned white. Keith loom terribly ill
He listen how Krolia tried to calm Keith down, and he tried to get Keith attention to go to Krolia and listen to her.

Eyes foggy and lost its shine, he look dead, with sunken cheeks and all, until he
Suddenly fall forward while holding on to the screen, bringing it down with him to the floor.

They screamed in worry at Keith, Krolia already contacting Ulaz and Kolivan to prepare both emergency transport and the med bay.

Keith couldn't breath, he tried sucking in as much air as he can in the small ship, but no matte how hard he tried, its no use.

His vision started to blur, and he can feel the blood that start to drip from the corner of his mouth, he want to wipe it off but his body
Feel so heavy. He cough and cough up more blood. His hands gave out from under him, and he make contact with the cold unforgiving floor of his ship.

Their voices sounded so far away, he feels pain all over his body, but he felt at ease..?

Like he is slowly can't feel his legs
And arms, then his waist and up to his chest, his body also felt colder and his eyelids become so heavy.

He wanted to sleep, he is allowed to sleep when he's tired right? Just like how his mom always reminded him.
Take a break when you are tired, get some sleep.
Uselessly gasping out for air, he finally let go, no longer holding on to whatever thread that has been holding him up.

He still love Shiro, though, even after everything he said. Keith still love him.

With his final breath, he shade the tear he' holding on to,
And mouthed 'I still love you', then his world turns black with the last thing he hear is someone screaming his name.
Ok so this is a bit rushed, but i have been carving for some angst and ya know, pain and where Keith didn't survive whatever bad thing happened to him. I just need it, so i make my own. Hope y'll enjoy this!
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