I told y'all I was learning Spanish right? Well, i get so excited the more I learn omg. I know my friends over me cause I send voice messages for them to correct my pronunciation 😭 the R's be beating my ass because I can't roll my tongue
btw, guys, rosetta stone is free for 3 months now because of corona!!!! I was just teaching myself cause that's kind of how I learned french but we love free education!!! i've been using that!!
sorry here's the link. you could just google "rosetta stone free" lol. i am in school but honestly..they dont even ask you to verify your school so dont worry if you're not https://www.rosettastone.com/freeforstudents/
everytime i say "escriben" i feel like im speaking german or dutch or sum
ok guys i need help my friends arent texting me back lmao. should ‘Ella” sound like It has a j in the middle?! Sometimes I hear It , It sounds like Its “Aye-ya” and sometimes “Aye-ja”
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