Seeing some speculation about why Trump is pushing hydroxychloroquine so hard.

IMHO he is kicking the can down the road.

If he can convince people a cure is coming, they won’t look at him as scornfully today.

Narcissists live in the RIGHT NOW.

They exist to manage this very moment and nothing else.

They deny what they did in the past. They cannot be trusted to make good on what they promise to do in the future.

They manipulate the present. That is it.

Trump’s promises of a cure reduce the severity of this crisis.
After all, if a miracle drug is poised to save us, all of this is just a rough patch to get through.

Of course, there is no miracle cure, he knows that and is lying...

...but when that is proven, he’ll just move on to the next lie to delay, diminish or deflect blame again.

Trump is lying about the cure because he knows people blame him for the disease.

Some of his friends may stand to profit somewhere but Trump is always about Trump. He compulsively serves only his fragile ego needs.

That’s it. There is nothing more to him.

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