I live in an 8 story apartment building and some of my neighbors are healthcare workers who are already at risk. We have a downstairs neighbor (young, white, male, childless, single) who's having a party on his balcony rn with like, 12-15 people.
What's the protocol when you're living next to someone who's clearly an idiot and thinks social distancing is bullshit?
I also don't want to call the cops for a variety of reasons.** And will leave a blistering letter on the guy's door, but don't want to interact with any potential virus carriers so am not going to knock on his door *now.* What's the non-law enforcement Cut It The Fuck Out remedy?
** Reasons: everything I've learned working on criminal justice reform issues, cops legitimately overextended and at risk right now themselves, and don't like the precedent of police breaking up private gatherings.
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