You guys ready? Here we go! #FirstContact
Ah, yes. Dat Goldsmith score got me. Many props to not just Jerry, but his son Joel who helped him out on this film as he was too busy to do it alone. #FirstContact
Hat tip to the folks working on Picard that mimicked this scene when introducing the Borg Cube at the end of the pilot episode. #FirstContact
I see you, Mintakans tapestry (over the back of the chair). They gave that to Picard in TNG's "Who Watches the Watchers." #FirstContact
Working titles for #FirstContact included Generations II (yuck), Borg (better?), and Resurrection. The official archive houses copies of scripts with these titles.
"To hell with our orders." HOT DAMN, DATA. #FirstContact
Hell yeah to the the music behind Work when he swoops in in the Defiant! If you don't recognize it, it's the Klingon theme from TMP! Nice callback. #FirstContact
Lotta good ship porn in this film. #FirstContact
The official archive still houses Lily and Zef's costumes. When I worked there, I found Cromwell's chapstick in his vest pocket when putting it on a mannequin. I put it back. Felt right. #FirstContact
I was 10 when this movie was released. I was with my dad. They arrive in the past on April 4, 2063, the day before #FirstContact. April 4th is my dad's birthday, so he was jazzed.
EMH appearance makes me so freaking happy. "I'm a doctor, not a doorstop." Crossover and homage. Perfect. #FirstContact
The drunken Deanna/Zefram is so great. Watch Will the whole time. It's classic. #FirstContact
The Bozeman bar has NASA mission patches as signs on the walls, which is absolutely the doing of scenic art supervisor @MikeOkuda. Mike designs for NASA too. :) #FirstContact
"You're all astronauts on... some kind of star trek." HE DID IT. HE SAID THE THING. #FirstContact
Before the movie was released, Lt. Hawk was rumored to be the first openly gay character in Trek. #FirstContact
Nothing in the film confirms this, but he was established as gay in the Section 31 novel "Rogue." Non-canon, but still a nice reference to the rumor many fans were hopeful was true. #FirstContact
"Moonlight Becomes You" is the song in the Dixon Hill holodeck program. This version was released on a rare tracks album from @LaLaLandRecords. #FirstContact
Randomly, the official archive also has the chest plate of the Borg Picard shoots in the holodeck (Lynch). It has a bloody bullet hole in it. #FirstContact
I love you, Barclay. #FirstContact
There is a 1701% chance that I would walk on the hull in an EVO suit given the opportunity. #FirstContact
When Data talks about being fully functional, I get a little emotional. It's a nice reference to Yar and how he "felt" about her. #FirstContact
The Borg that gets his arm hacked off with a mek'leth on the hull is played by a stuntman who really had just one arm. #FirstContact
"If you were any other man, I would kill you where you stand!" Such a good line. #FirstContact
The Moby Dick references in Picard's ready room make me smile because it's also referenced in TWOK. #FirstContact
Alice Krige (the Borg Queen) has a story about how hard it was to need to pee while in her suit. It was difficult to get off and on. One such time, she just.... went. In the suit. #FirstContact
The Borg Queen's spine and skull are still in the official archive as well. When I was with them, I had a missing piece replaced and some of the lights repaired. It was on display at the Picard museums last year. :) #FirstContact
One of the Bozeman townspeople is portrayed by my friend @tamarakrinsky in her first onscreen credit! #FirstContact
The first Vulcan off the ship (the pretty T'Plana-Hath-type lander) to greet Zefram is Solkar. He is Spock's great-grandfather. #FirstContact
LOL @ the end credits misspelling Zefram's last name as "Cochran." It should be "Cochrane." #FirstContact
Thanks for joining me for my #FirstContact live tweet, guys! Happy First Contact Day! #43yearstogo
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