Em projects ranked out of 10: A thread
Infinite: 7.5 / 10

Underrated project.

I've described it as having a deep underground, backpacker kinda feel to it. Em hadn't really found his rap 'niche' by this point in time, which is part of why I rank it this low; I'd definitely put it at an 8 or so if it were remastered
Slim Shady EP: 10 / 10

This EP is straight FILTHY.

Most don't include it in rankings; I had to acknowledge it cuz it has some of his best songs. I'll never get why some got shelved. My only issue is how short it is, but that isn't a big enough issue to lose it any points.
Slim Shady LP: 9.5 / 10

I'd argue it's the worst of the 3 classics, but that isn't saying much; it's still amazing.

Some of the songs just don't quite do it for me in comparison to the other two classics, or even the EP, but they're still incredible in their own right.
Marshall Mathers LP: 10 / 10


It has everything I love about Em; amazing storytelling & artistry, both grotesque & introspective/personal content, songs taking aim at that time's societal & political issues, masterful lyricism... All staples of what makes Em GREAT.
The Eminem Show: 10 / 10

Another masterpiece.

Sort of like the last one; definitely more political tho lol. Also got two of his all-time best songs on the album; Soldier & Sing For The Moment.

I prefer MMLP but this is on that level. It's really just a matter of preference imo
Encore: 5 / 10

(1/2) Amazing highs; TERRIBLE lows.

Like TES, Encore has some of his best songs, like Mockingbird & Like Toy Soldiers. It also has some of his WORST, like My 1st Single & Puke. Songs so bad that the highs can barely even save it. Here's my advice when listening:
(2/2) Skip every song from Puke to Just Lose It. Trust me, your listening experience will be SO much better.

All in all, the album starts VERY strong, sharply declines in quality at the middle, but picks back up by the end; unfortunately, it's "Never Enough" to raise the rank 😉
Relapse: Refill: 8 / 10

(1/3) A masterpiece, albeit with glaring personal flaws.

Almost every song on this album is fantastic. "So why give it an 8, dummy?" you ask. Well, that's where the personal flaws come in. Some ppl like Em rapping on his horrorcore, serial killer shit.
(2/3) I still like it, yes. But not enough to sit through 1 HOUR & 59 MINUTES of it (yes, Relapse: Refill is that long, for those who don't know). I already have enough problems with staying focused when I listen to music. The repetitive content just loses me way too easily here.
(3/3) It just becomes background noise at that point until I realize "Oh shit, the album's finished!" and I barely dissected a bar on there because I zoned out.

Overall though, the album is just phenomenal, and honestly if I had the attention span I'd probably rate it higher.
Recovery: 8 / 10

(1/2) Underappreciated.

A lot of people will give this album flak for the pop sound, the voice, and the corny lines (this is when they really started coming into play). I personally didn't mind the sound; but the content is fantastic. Really resonates with me.
(2/2) Definitely not his best album; I will concede that the sound isn't the best, and that the corny lines can be a bit annoying. But the content easily makes up for it. The only skips for me are WTP & Untitled.
(1/3) Marshall Mathers LP 2: 9 / 10

My personal fave.

This album was like his second peak to me. He had corny lines, but they were basically minimal. The production, again, isn't the best, but it's far from terrible. Damn near joint was just RIDDLED with immaculate lyricism.
(2/3) The deluxe tracks make it even stronger. Don't Front is easily one of his best songs this decade. Hell, even the "pop" songs are enjoyable.

Like I said, production isn't the best, but really if you're going to Eminem expecting to hear a banger, what are you even doing?
(3/3) Expanding on the last sentence, Eminem's value comes more from what he's saying in his music. And MMLP2's lyricism is top-notch; I'd say on par with the classics. This whole era was just amazing. This is the kind of content I want from modern Eminem. Wish we got it more.
(1/8) Revival: 5 / 10

(If you don't want to hear my rant on Revival, skip to Kamikaze.)

This next rating is going to be... Well, lengthy. Because I have a lot to say about this complete CLUSTERFUCK of an album. I like it, but... God damn. Em can REALLY do better than this 😬
(2/8) Revival may be getting a 5 here, but keep in mind; I'm a LOT more generous on this bird app than a lotta other people.

The production is just... Not it. It has numerous bad songs, and like Encore, the highs barely save the album. Like I said, I like it but, this AIN'T it.
(3/8) There's a lot of theories to why Revival is bad; most simply, Em is just falling off. But we've seen him prove himself on plenty of occasions after Revival. He still has it in him.

Some blame yes-men in his camp. That's probably the most plausible explanation.
(4/8) Some blame Rick Rubin, but... I can't really agree. Sure, he produced two of the album's worst songs (Remind Me & Heat), but... He also did two of the best (Walk On Water & Arose). Whatever the reason, this album is definitely lackluster.
(5/8) Overall, a lot was going on with this album. Despite the US flag cover art, only 2 of the songs are strictly political, with a few slight references scattered in bars within other songs. A lot of pop features; the only rap feature (PHresher) only did a hook.
(6/8) Some of the songs weren't as bad as people make them out to be. Untouchable's 1st part was bad, for instance, but the 2nd part was one of the album's best verses. River wasn't that bad even. Impeccable story telling. Et cetera, et cetera.
(7/8) But Chloraseptic, the 1st half of Untouchable, Remind Me, Like Home, Tragic Endings, Nowhere Fast, Heat, & Need Me... WHEW, they drag the album down. They're not as bad as Encore's lows, but still... Not the best. Its highs aren't as good either, so I guess it balances out.
(8/8) I've think I said enough about this goddamn album 😂, so to wrap it up:

Some good songs, but a lot of mediocre or flat out BAD songs. I personally like it, but it's bottom 2 in his discography. Bad production, themes were all over the place. Oh & corny bars OUT THE WAZOO.
(1/3) Kamikaze: 6 / 10


I loved it when it first came out, but... It didn't age well, honestly. I think it would've served better as an EP than a full-length album, because we really just got a bunch of diss tracks and a few corny "fucked-up relationship" songs.
(2/3) So the song has 11 songs; already a couple songs being bad will bring the score down a good deal. And the album's definitely got some of those in Normal & Nice Guy. Venom & Kamikaze weren't as bad, but they weren't the best either. Good Guy was actually decent, though.
(3/3) It was already roughly a 7.5 for me when it came out, but the album aging like spoiled milk brought it down to about a 6 for me. I still enjoy some of the songs, but... I mean, a bunch of diss tracks on "mumble rappers" aren't going to age well. That's just facts imo.
(1/9) Music To Be Murdered By: 8 / 10

It's a big step up from Revival and Kamikaze, but I know Em can still do better just based on MMLP2.
(2/9) As a side note, I'm HALF convinced Em has a secret account & he follows my Twitter. I've been saying for a long time, he should be getting more contemporary production, as well as Porter, Alchemist, & Royce production. I said he needs a Black Thought feature too.
(3/9) And look what all happened! 😂

I could get even further into all that, but that's for another time. Could just be all coincidence, I dunno. I do know he checks social media, more than we often give him credit for.

(4/9) I'm already WAY more impressed with the production and the feature list than I was with his last 2 albums. The rap features FAR outweigh the pop features. And even then, Leaving Heaven (with Skylar Grey) wasn't terrible either. Major props to Em where that's concerned.
(5/9) But... A few things did stand out. Namely... EM. PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WITH THE CORNY LINES.

They're especially prevalent in the 3rd verses of Marsh & Those Kinda Nights, & the 2nd verse of Stepdad.
(6/9) And why does Em have to still be rapping about how Revival flopped? I get it. The hate was basically unprecedented when it dropped. It still is, even. But at this point, if it keeps up, it'll be like Paul said, and he might ACTUALLY drop Kamikaze 2. We don't need that imo.
(7/9) Also, the title & theme of the album is set up as "Music To Be Murdered By." I only get that vibe from a select few songs. I don't expect broken relationship songs (In Too Deep & Farewell) or attempts at club bangers (Those Kinda Nights) on an album with that kind of title.
(8/9) And... Why is it, that the one time we finally get an Alchemist & Em collab, it's the STEPDAD? I want some shit like Chemical Warfare, like they did way back in 2009 or so! Some of that raw lyricism! That'd be ILL! Especially with Em's lyricism now! https://open.spotify.com/track/2uED3HFmQNmMImes4Prnre?si=U_pYfoJsSQeaykvgFTORew
(9/9) All these things being said, I think the album is a major step up compared to more recent works of his. I just know he can do even better, as proven by MMLP2.

If the pattern continues (Revival < Kamikaze < MTBMB), he'll hopefully outdo this album too. Please, Em? 🥺
But to anyone who thinks I may be too harsh on Eminem's recent work... Trust me, I love the albums he's been putting out. But I just KNOW he can do better.

I just want the best for him & his music. Some shit to wow even the haters, maybe even retire on a high note if he wanted.
So whenever I say things that could be taken as a slant against Eminem or his music, just know it's out of love. I just want to see him flourish. I don't wanna justify why his music is good to people who think otherwise. Because I know he's got it in him to do so much better.
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