1)Coronavirus Covid-19. At the height of tensions between the United States & China, Covid-19 appears.”The first case of someone in China suffering from Covid-19...can be traced back to Nov. 17th, 2019.-scmp.com.3/13/20. Cont.
2)”The Chinese government was widely criticized over attempts to cover up the outbreak in the early weeks, including crackdowns on doctors who tried to warn colleagues about a new Sars-like virus which was emerging in the city of Wuhan.”-theguardian.com.3/13/20. Cont.
3)”Chinese authorities denied that the virus could be transferred from human to human until it was too late.Doctors in Wuhan concluded human transmission was ongoing.”The World Health Organization was complicit in helping the Chinese cover up the truth.-nationalreview.com.3/23/20
4)Dec. 21,2019:Wuhan doctors begin to notice a “cluster of pneumonia cases with an unknown cause.”Dec. 25:Chinese medical staff in 2 hospitals in Wuhan are suspected of contracting viral pneumonia & are quarantined.This is additional strong evidence of human to human transmission
5)-nationalreview.com.3/23/20. Late Dec. 2019,”Wuhan hospitals see “an exponential increase” in the number of cases that cannot be linked back to the Seafood market.”Dec. 31:The Wuhan Health Commission states:”The Investigation so far has not found any obvious human to human...
6)...transmission & no medical staff infection.” The exact opposite of what doctors at Wuhan hospitals believed.Jan. 1,2020:”The Wuhan Public Security Bureau issued a summons to Dr. Li Wenliang, accusing him of “spreading rumors.”Two days later, Dr. Li signed a statement...
7)...”acknowledging his “misdemeanor” & promising not to commit further “unlawful acts.”Seven other people are arrested on similar charges & their fate is unknown.” Also Jan. 1,”after several batches of genome sequence results had been returned to hospitals & submitted...
8)...”to health authorities, an employee of one genomics company receives a phone call from an official at the Hubei Provincial Health Commission, ordering the company to stop testing samples from Wuhan related to the new disease & destroy all existing samples.”-nationalreview...
9)”175,000 people leave Wuhan on Jan. 1, 2020..21 countries have direct flights to Wuhan.”Approximately 4,400 people arrive,via air travel,from Wuhan to destinations in the United States, every month.”The U.S.government would not bar foreign nationals who had traveled to China...
10)...from entering the country for another month.”-nationalreview.com.3/23/20. Jan. 2:”The Wuhan Institute of Virology completely mapped the genome of the virus.The Chinese government would not announce that breakthrough for another week.””Roughly one month after the first..
11)...”cases in Wuhan,the U.S. government is notified.”Jan. 6:”The CDC offered to send a team to China, to assist with the investigation; the Chinese government declined.”Jan. 19:”The Chinese National Health Commission declares the virus “still preventable & controllable.”Cont.
12)Jan. 21:”The CDC announced the first U.S. case of Covid-19 in Washington State, who returned from China 6 days earlier.Jan. 23:”Chinese authorities announce their first steps for a quarantine of Wuhan.”-nationalreview.com.3/23/20. Cont.
13)”About 5 million residents left Wuhan before the lockdown because of the epidemic & also because it is the start of the Spring Festival holiday.”-scmp.com.1/26/20. Cont.
14)So, on Jan. 25 started the largest human migration of the year.”Practically all of China takes holiday at once, making their new year the biggest human event on earth.”-Statista.com.1/22/20. Cont.
15)Chinese people make 3 billion trips per year for this new year’s celebration. 👇
16) 415 million people traveled to Chinese new year events in 2019. 👇
17)It wasn’t until Feb. 2, The United States”imposed an entry ban on all foreign nationals who were in China, excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong & Macau, in the past 14 days.”-thinkglobalhealth.org.3/13/20.
18)Since March, 2017, The United States & China have been involved in a trade war. While campaigning for President, Trump in June, 2016, said he would apply tariffs under sec. 201 & 301 of the Trade Act of 1974. Trump said “China’s entrance into the World Trade Organization...
19)...”enabled the “greatest jobs theft in history.”-reuters.com.10/10/19. As President, Trump signed executive orders calling for tighter tariff enforcements in March,2017. In July,2017, The U.S. & China fail to agree on trade talks. In Aug. 2017, “Trump orders...
20)...”a Section 301 probe into alleged Chinese intellectual property theft, described as his first direct trade measure against Beijing.”-reuters.com.10/10/19. In Jan. 2018, Trump threatens a big fine on China over alleged IP theft, without providing details...
21)Also, Jan. 2018, Trump starts imposing tariffs on China & other countries. In April, 2018, China starts imposing tariffs on U.S. products.-reuters.com.10/10/19. Cont.
22)In Sept.,2019, at the U.N.,Pres. Trump called for an end to religious persecution,”featuring a woman whose Uighur father had been imprisoned in China.””The U.S. event at the U.N. sparked a sharp rebuke from China. A spokesperson for the Chinese delegation accused Washington..
23)..”of violating the U.N. Charter.”-reuters.com.9/23/19.On Oct. 7, 2019,”The U.S. Commerce Dept. put 28 Chinese companies on its”entity list”, largely banning U.S. firms from selling to them,over their alleged involvement in human rights abuses against Uigher Muslims
24)...in Xinjiang. China denounces the move as interference in Chinese sovereignty. Chinese officials later say the move hurts the atmosphere surrounding trade talks.” Cont.
25)”The ruling Chinese Communist Party has placed more than 1 million Uighur Muslims in internment camps.”-Politico.com.10/7/19. Trump said in early Oct. 2019,”They want to make a deal.”Cont.
26)”Trump also again denied that he told Chinese President Xi Jinping that he would stay quiet on the unrest in Hong Kong during the ongoing trade talks with Beijing.”-Politico.com.10/7/19. Cont.
27)On Jan. 15, The U.S. & China signed a new trade agreement. The first phase of the deal which includes China purchasing $200 billion of American goods & services.”It leaves in place $360 billion of tariffs that the U.S. had already imposed on Chinese goods...
28)...”& the threat of additional punishment if Beijing does not live up to the terms of the deal.”-theguardian.com.1/15/20. Cont.
29) Conclusion: As a result of the better U.S. trade deal with China,this most probably sets the stage for other countries to look for better trade deals with China,as well.A domino effect.Also, Pres. Trump taking action against the Chinese for their human rights & religious...
30)...freedom abuses, doesn’t sit very well with the Chinese. It is not out of the realm of possibility, that the Chinese, concluding they will be extremely hurt economically, forced to deal with their human rights & religious freedom abuses....
31)...knowingly & willingly enabled the virus to spread across the globe. Covering it up & delaying, just long enough, so that once the Chinese new year hit, via mass migration, human weapons carrying the virus, the virus would spread worldwide. / Done
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