It's actually hilarious that men have tried tricking women into thinking that wanting communication is crazy and that even in quarantine that they're too busy gaming/sitting/breathing to send/ respond to a text. You're not "too much," for wanting some effort. He's just too lame.
tell him to keep that energy when life goes back to normal and he's begging you to hang out with him lmao #wherewereyouwhenIwasboredandlonely
I fuckin hate that this has to be said, but someone not speaking to you enough/putting in effort into maintaining a connection with you IS a dealbreaker if communication is what you need. It seems small and could take years to ruin the relationship..but it's not small. It's huge.
Listen, everyone has different needs. But if you KNOW that when you care about someone that you genuinely want to hear from them and bond with them even when you're away from each other...? Then you deserve that. If they can't give you what they need, then they're not the one.
You will not survive in a relationship that makes you feel like you're being deprived of something as fundamental as communication. You won't feel okay. You won't feel cared about. It will not work. If you value communication, then STOP trying to be with someone who doesn't.
when someone likes u....they WANT to talk..a lot

they want to see ur name on their phone

they want u to know that they're there/ interested because they wouldn't want to risk u losing interest

SO, if u feel like getting them to talk to u is hard?

talk to someone else, honey
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