John Tarnowski ( @kasimirurbanski) aka RPG Pundit has begun posting under an alias on my & my wife’s personal Instagram. More specifically, he’s now roving through my wife’s Instagram, posting the same message under pics of our toddler.

Busted, asshole.
This man has been harassing me for years. YEARS. He has made a series of defamatory posts in 2017. He has tried to harm my business by spreading malicious lies about my business. About me as a person. About Zweihander. And now, he’s harassing me and my wife on Instagram.
I know there are a number of people who have been harassed by John Tarnowski @kasimirurbanski RPG Pundit, including @Swordsfall1.

Brandon, can you please help spread the word?
I have written John Tarnowski @kasimirurbanski off as a jealous gamer. He has spread vicious lies about me “gaming” @DriveThruRPG’s metal aystem. Which is ironic, given that they made a recent change for product metals that would have revealed if I had.
John Tarnowski has continued to harass me in videos that feature @Grimasaur, @vengersatanis and himself. In his personal videos. On his website . I’ve written it all off, trying to rise above. But no more.
He posted another vicious attack on his blog to spread a series of lies:
I have an email string dating back 4 years when John Tarnowski @KasimirUrbanski RPG Pundit began harassing me directly by email when I stopped running banner ads at 

After threatening me by email, he posted this link to his blog:
Here are two other examples of John Tarnowski @KasimirUrbanski RPG Pundit concerted effort to denigrate my character, business and brand.

These are 2 examples of 43 pieces of evidence I will bring to bear as I explore legal options.
If you need to understand what sort of person John Tarnowski @kasimirurbanski RPG Pundit is, here he is defending a man violently attacking a woman at Berkeley. He’s defending Nathan Domino, the founder of white supremecist group Identity Europa.
You can follow @ZweihanderRPG.
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