If I were to contract the virus, I'd probably be someone they'd decide not to give treatment to. And I know lots of people who would be even less likely than me to receive that treatment, and who would probably be in more dire situations than if I got it. 1/8

I don't want to be all doom and gloom about this, but I don't want to ignore reality either. Everyone who has already died to this virus had a life that mattered, just like everyone who's contracted it and survived have lives that matter. 2/8

Those who are high risk have inherently valuable lives. They are not inferior to those who are low risk. If you have little to no worries about COVID19, & want to say something like "we're all in this together", please 3/8

really think through what you are saying and what you mean. Consider disabled & elderly lives. Consider those who may not have the means to access healthcare if/when they need it (finances, transportation, etc.) Consider the black & Asian people 4/8

who are facing a lot of racism at this time for various reasons. Consider those of us who are disadvantaged here, and consider how to love us well & support us through this time. Not just in words, but in action, show us that you 5/8

truly believe we are all in this together. Listen to the marginalized right now. Don't insist that "we're all disabled right now". Don't insist on meeting physically for church or school or family gatherings (or whatever) when you're 6/8

able to meet virtually or cancel/postpone. I know that can be painful, it's painful for me even as an introvert & someone who's used to not leaving the house a lot due to chronic illness, but so many people's lives are on the line right now. 7/8

This is already a difficult, scary time for so many people all over the world. Don't make it harder on those who are at a higher risk. When you find ways to justify ableism or racism or other harms, you're saying your life is superior when it isn't. 8/8
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