I always wondered what is was like to be an adult during a national tragedy. Not in morbid way, but how I would feel and how my fellow Americans would react. I was 17 during 9/11, a little too young to completely understand the ramifications and our reactions...
Moreover, I wondered how we moved on. After Pearl Harbor and 9/11, we went to war. There's no war after this, at least not in the traditional sense. Almost no one alive today was alive during the 1918 Flu Pandemic. And if they are, bless them...
The world is more populated now than ever before. There are more people living in cities than ever before. And while some may say they never thought a pandemic would come, others knew it was inevitable...
It's hard to think about now, but in the future, after this has passed, I want to look back at this time and think that we did everything we could. Maybe not right, because no one would ever get this 100% right, but we tried everything possible.
I'll tell you right now, as it is, I don't feel like I'm going to say this. Our government is not only fractured, it is led by someone who wouldn't put the health and safety of others above his own ego. I honestly don't know how we are going to survive this.
Not only with our health but socially, economically, mentally, etc. This is something that has been weighing on me and to come full circle, I have always wondered how, as a country and people, do we come back from such tragedy?
The sucker punch to this thread, is that it isn't even over. Not even close to being over. There are still months and months of uncertainty and sickness and death. I know we will come out of this. The question is, in what shape? Will we be better for the wear?
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