FINALLYYY someone explained the truth and made it clear😭😭😭😭 justice for my man!!!!😭😭😭♥️♥️
Yall dont ever believe on netizen's words and dont ever heard something's sensitive from them. Find the truth from the reliable sources and check the validity your own, be a smart netizen
And knows that he have no relation with him anymore, stop twisting his words ffs let's just spit out the truth from now on, eh?
THISS i still remember the day when yall bad mouthing Zico for something he didn't do like excuse me??? Why would HE digged his own grave??? And on a national tv???
Even the executives said he is clear and had no relation to this case. So what would made yall think that yall are supreme and know everything than the executives?😴

And please note the 2nd paragraph 🙏🏻
So the golden phone zico talked abt was a phone that have a list of celebrity's contacts and its not zico who named it 'golden phone' but jjy himself.
The golden phone was different from those investigated and the content itself was different.
So stop bringing the 'topics' up everytime Zico made a comeback and camped under the comment. You just make yourself looks like an illiterate dumb moron, even the media alr cleared the things repeatedly. Even he needs to cleared the mess himself thru 극 lyrics.
Imagine how painful it is to be us, seeing your loved ones getting the defamation he didn't deserve in the first place, just because those morons in denial from the truth. The point is he is not guilty and is innocent. Case closed.
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