I had a friend once get a cup of piss thrown at him from a mini van. This was a completely random piss throwing. Most of the time with random piss throwing, the person who gets piss thrown on them doesn't outright deserve it. 1/
What I can tell you though, is that even with this piss throwing attack being completely random, this person definitely deserved having piss thrown on them. I guess the moral of the story is that if you ever have piss thrown on you randomly, 2/
be a good enough person in every day life that you can tell yourself, "I didn't deserve to have piss thrown on me". It won't change the fact that you're covered in piss but anything to feel better, right? I don't know what my friend who was covered in piss is up to, 3/
or if they're even alive still and I don't really care but their existence made this thread possible and for that, I am grateful. 4/
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