Who knew that the Catholic Church's first openly African-American seminarian did not actually become a priest?

William Augustine Williams. 1853.

I was reminded this week by a local priest. I can hardly find ANYTHING online on it besides a few ebook previews, so here's a thread:
Williams, a Virginian, was recommended for seminary by a Redemptorist priest, Fr Thaddeus Anwander, who by all indications was woke for his time and convinced 2 bishops to sponsor him.

American seminaries obviously were not open to Blacks back then, so Rome was his only option.
Officials from The Propaganda consulted a third bishop, Archbishop Hughes of New York. He opposed Williams' admission if he would be assigned to the US as a priest after ordination—citing violent opposition in America to Black priests.

The Congregation admitted Williams anyway.
Williams' sponsors also proved unsupportive of Black priesthood in 1850s America.

One wrote to the Propaganda urging them to send Williams to Liberia after ordination. The other wrote to Williams directly, coaching him to say "Haiti" if asked his preferred alternative to the US.
Williams saw the writing on the wall.

In 1862, 7 years into his seminary studies, the world's first African-American Catholic seminarian would write the Propaganda that, "after mature deliberation and on the advice of his teachers", he'd decided he was not called to priesthood.
Williams returned to Baltimore where he continued studying privately—even informing the Propaganda he still hoped to become a priest.

He went on to lead 2 Black schools and start a newspaper for freedmen, "Clear Communicator". He even attempted to start a Black religious order.
Augustus Tolton—America's first openly Black priest—was ordained in 1886. His 1st Mass in America? St Benedict the Moor in NYC that same year.

Williams would move there 13 years later and become sacristan.

Tolton is "on the path to sainthood". Williams is nearly forgotten.

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