Will be answering under this thread πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ https://twitter.com/taesecretfan/status/1246929907571027968
04. You asked me to follow you and that's the start of us being mutuals. (I dont do this often you know so consider yourself special). A bit of a bully sometimes, i mean a lot, but still a nice guy behind that evil grin. Nice to see you active again in the jailhouse 😊
10. I dont know you that well other than you're a fellow malaysian that has been so nice to me. Never can repay what you've done for me. Hoping to get to know you better! 😊
1202. My 10 year-old dotter in the jailhouse! You're still a baby but your mind is yabai-er than any other person in jail. LMAO. But also a genius nonetheless. All the best for your SPM and you can ask for a cuddle from me anytime unlike that rat that you like so much.
2002. You have more nicknames then the amount of friends i have irl. I dont even know what to call you sometimes. Funny and yabai but also naughty. The amount of strikes you have is uncountable. LMAO. Anyways, i'm glad that i was able to know you and all the best in your studies!
8888. We have been mutuals for so long yet i dont know much about you other than you're a writer. I hope things has been going well in your life and wishing for the best always! ☺
11. Our proton! I always admire your spirit and how you know what to say to make us feel better. You are one of the mature ones in jh and we really need that. Other than that, i do hope you could open up a bit and tell us if you have some difficulties.
We dont want our proton to be sad by herself. I hope you are not keeping your problems to yourself and you have someone that you talk to help you go through it. Anyways, i'm so glad and honoured to have known and meet you in person and hope to meet you again! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
81 πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—. How do i even begin? Can i say that you are my saviour? I really appreciate the things that you've done to me. I dont know how we started to get so close and i'm surprised that you entertained my weird antics. You also make me feel... weird sometimes.
Weird in a good way. You make me anticipate waking up in the morning living my life as it should be. Kinda like the light during my darkess hour(?). I feel sorry and grateful for everything and i really hope for the best to both of us. You have a special spot in my heart and
I'm sure you know that. Thank you for everything. Love you πŸ’•
329. One of the mature ones in jh. Also a 4-way traitor. Lmao. I know you are busy taking care of your island, and handling your stocks and crops and what not, but i hope you've been taking care of yourself as well. Thank you so much for all the things that you've done. Wuv you.
1875. One of my fav mutuals in this blue bird app! You have so much positive vibe and i'm so glad to have such wizone in this fandom. I hope your leg is getting better. Keep spreading those positivity and pray for your success in the future!
08. YuuNaa subber-SAMA! I admire you a lot (both of your dedication to yuunaa and because of your nice personality). You are really talented and a genius i must say. You are so out going and friendly. Kinda a person that i wish to be. I hope life has been treating you fairly and
wish for the best in everything that you're doing. Also, wish to meet you again someday and have a proper conversation. Huhu. 😊
106. It's been a while since we've been mutuals but we havent talk much. All of the sudden you are my daughter. Haha. I hope you got your wish of having a switch. Hoping that we talk more in the future and for us to get to know each other better! 😁
0909. We literally know each other after we met in person and i really feel that's something unique compared to the others in this blue bird app! And i'm glad that we did! Hoping that we have the chance to meet again in the future and all the best in your studies in NZ!
1026. Fellow Hiichan stan! Thanks for translating some of Hiichan japanese contents and i feel like you are one of the saviours during those times. Haha. I also enjoy your ssambbang au so please do more of those. πŸ˜‹
Hoping to get to know more of you in the future!
115. My fav yulyen stan! I'm so glad that i decided to RT your post when i dont even know you at the time. You are the one that opened my door for me to connect with lots of people that i now adore and love. I hope things are doing fine irl for you and i miss you!
0319. Senpai! Erk, ok2. I wont call you senpai again next time. Haha. I'm really glad that we're mutuals and actually quite honoured πŸ™‡πŸ»β€β™€οΈ. I also admire your dedication towards your bias and feel that i'm lack in so many ways compared to you. Also, i want to thank you for offering
to help me (writing the message as well as sending the goods). I really owe you big time and i dont know how to repay your kindness. Thank you so so much! πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–
18062004. Unnie! One of the person that i'm glad to know in person! You've helped me a lot in the past and i feel like i'm not doing as much for you. You've been one of my positive energy when i feel down and i hope you have someone that also helps you with that. Hope to meet
again in the future. Thanks a lot!!! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
7. Senpai! My new oshi! Hehe. I really enjoy our vc sessions and your nice singing. You are so funny and πŸ‘ΆπŸ». Also, i feel honoured to have known one of the famous okada nana fan. Cant wait for another concert session in vc from you and remember, "dont pegang-pegang!"
97. Friendo! One of the funniest people i know in twitter. I followed you initially because of your fake convos and twitter aus. And i'm very thankful that you've been diligently translating the mails currently. I'm sure others appreciate that as well. I hope you have been taking
care of yourselves and be healthy. Thank you always.
3911. Number 1 kkuchaen fan! Also one of the most dedicated writers i know. You also always "layan" me whenever i have those weird mood and i'm very thankful for that. Sorry that i've shouted to you before and i do hope that we can meet in the future!
13. Probably one of the most dedicated Yuiri fans that i know of. Thank you for always sharing contents and you certainly made me love Yuiri even more. And yes, i agree. No one loves Yuiri more than you do. πŸ’•πŸ’—πŸ’•πŸ’—
1506. The only YuuNaa fanfic writer that i know. Huhu. Also the famous showroom tower thrower. 🀭🀭🀭
I kinda enjoy listening to your japanese conversation with Nura and Tiptip Senpai eventhough i barely understand everything. Haha.
TQ for feeding us Yuuna fans when we're hungry.
143/81. I thought you were a girl when i first noticed your account. And you always slides into my DM asking interesting questions and that's when i thought this person must be a genius and yes, i was right. Probably the smartest guy i know. I enjoy your sense of humor eventhough
I always went AKSJDBDDUD coz most of them were yabai. Haha. You can always slide into my DM for whatever. Glad to have you as part of jh. πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
Also, :sadhii: coz you swerved to yena πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”
πŸ’›15. Our magician! I really enjoy your fanarts! Also, you always have lots of good AU ideas.If only someone could write one in the future... i hope you continue drawing and sharing your fanarts coz that will make me really happy! Also, please do more ssambbang edits. Huhu
5. Probably the most famous yena fanaccount. Specifically chaeyena. Huhu. I still cant believe we're mutuals and idk why you followed me in the first place. πŸ˜…I really enjoy all of your content and thanks for your translations of PMs too! I wish we can get closer in the future!
You can follow @taesecretfan.
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