[OLD] BTS 2 years ago via AnAn Magazine (Interview Highlights) a thread:
Q. Who do you think has the most similar DNA to you from your family and members?

JH: ”My looks are completely my dad’s DNA. I don't think so myself but everyone around me says we're identical. I inherited my personality from my mother.
She's calm, detailed and considerate..”
JH: Amongst the members, my personality is probably closest to Jimin. We've always been good roommates and get along well. We both tend to bottle up our troubles, and we solve that by talking it out with each other.
Q: When you're standing at a split path and have to make a decision, what do you value the most?

JH: ”I'd choose the path that suits my true self the best. I listen to the advice of others, take good advice to heart and push forward when I need to. (+)
When I was writing my mixtape, I listen to the advice of RM and edited some parts. At really important crossroads I make sure to think about it thoroughly before reaching a conclusion so that I can accept the result no matter how it ends...”
Q. is there anything about you that you think has changed or stayed unchanged in this last year?

V: ”Recently I've settled down. There was no particular reason for it, but the time I spend intently to music has increased. I've also gained the desire to learn English. (+)
V: When we attended the award show in America last year I thought to myself, ”I want to speak more with my own words!” I plan on starting with a collection of popular phrases.
V: What hasn't changed are the fighting games on my computer? (laughs) I play with Jimin and Jungkook too. They're team battles but I take all the items and charge in head first then die, so they're always yelling at me.”
Q: Sunny, cloudy, rain, snow... What weather do you like the best?

V: ”Recently I've been liking the rain. The other day I went out in the rain without an umbrella and it felt great. You know how there are those drama scenes where they yell in the pouring rain? (+)
V: I've always admired that... I want to blend in with the music sound of the rain and yell all my thoughts out. To the background music of BTS’ ’Rain’. I believe this is the only BTS song that suits the rain!” https://open.spotify.com/track/4HEFpKZaYWGTjgCjhnSShV
V: ”On sunny days I remember the days I went with my grandma to the park with honey ginger tea in one hand and waited for the sunrise. Grandma, I miss you.”
Q. Tell us what your favorite dessert is! And who are you ’sweetest’ to amongst the members?

JM ”During high school, I would eat one chocolate block in the two hours it took to get to my dance class.
JM: I don't eat it as often as back then, but even now when I'm in a good mood I'd crave chocolate. RM and Jungkook are the ones with a sweet tooth. I often witness the two of them munching on snacks in the practice room.”
JM: ”I'm good at acting sweet to the older brothers and asking them to treat me, and I like when the younger V and Jungkook act sweet to me. But everyone treats everyone regardless of age.”
Q. If you had to ask for the impossible, which member would you ask and what would you ask for?

JM: (pointing his finger at their photos) Hmm, who should I choose! ♪ Oh it landed on RM! I'm just kidding, but if it was a situation where I really had to ask for the impossible (+)
JM: all the members would listen to the situation and help me out, so there's no issue of who to ask for what... We're comrades that understand each other no matter how difficult the situation may be.
Q. What do you fear the most? What do you want to throw away the most right now?

JM: I'm scared of ghosts. I saw one in the dorm during my trainee days. I was slouched over washing my fringe when someone passed between my legs.. (+)
JM: I thought it was RM but when I called out no one replied and when I hurried to check who it was I found them all asleep. In the end, I never told the members about this. They probably wouldn't believe me, saying ”That's impossible” (laughs)
JM: There's nothing, in particular, I want to throw away. I don't keep many possession so if I lose any more than this it'll impact my daily life.. (laughs)
Credits: @/chocojjingpang_v, btsdiary Trans: @/szkvr
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