Good evening and welcome to this week’s edition of our book club. Every quarter, we read a book on all our platforms.

This quarter, we are reading Atomic Habits by @JamesClear
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This evening we will be going through Chapters 17 and 18.

Chapter 17 deals with actions and consequences, as well as the importance of having an accountability partner.
When actions have immediate consequences, behaviour begins to change.

Customers will pay their bills on time when they are charged a late fee just as students will show up to class when their attendance makes up part of their grades.
Consequences however, have their limits.

This is where having an accountability partner comes in. It could be family or a friend or a mentor.
Irrespective of who you choose, they must have these two qualities. Being firm enough to make sure you keep in line, and empathetic when you falter.
This can also be automated. If you find it hard to save, you can set a reminder on your phone that beeps periodically.

It’ll keep prompting you till you either turn it off or take action.
Chapter 18 explored the relationship between genes and habits, genes will make it easier to pick some habits.

For example, a seven-footer could find success with basketball given his or her height.
Likewise, Kenyans tend towards running as they have a physique that is advantageous in running marathons.

Genes, however, are not the only factor to consider when it comes to picking a habit
@JamesClear gives a few tips to help one in picking a habit in form of these questions:

What feels easy to you but is work to others?

What makes me lose track of time?

Where do I get greater returns than the average person?

What comes naturally to me?
Regardless of the habit you pick, hard work is key. You have to put in the hours required to hone your habit.

Did you find this thread useful? Feel free to share. That’s a habit we want you to adopt.

Have a great week ahead.
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