prior to this, Netflix gave Goop a TV show and the NYT printed an op-ed defending Goop because of the long history of sexism in opposing women bullshitting or whatever
Now that we're into the crisis it already seems like the world of the 2010s is sepia-toned. But it was a world in which people with responsibility over culture repeatedly saturated their readers and viewers with things like Goop and called you mean names if you objected
You barely went a day, well, maybe about six hours, without seeing some prestige brand endorsing something patently ridiculous or lending their credibility to ragebait
and it's still going on, but increasingly running on fumes
lots of people engaged in system-abusing behaviors:

* needlessly spreading discord within an already divided country

* generating metric tons of nonsensical things and pseudo-events

* cynically endorsing a variety of people that ranged from quackish to psychologically sick
deep down, they thought the system was stable. that it could just absorb all of this and someone, at the end of the day, would step in and make sure the party kept going on.
but if everyone thinks that way, then no one is in charge. no one is responsible for keeping the lights on.
a lot of things will have to change in general
but specifically, even in the case of something this superficial, there will have to be collective acceptance that the culture of the mid to late 2010s is not sustainable into the 2020s.
A culture that piously denounces disinformation from randos with hentai avatars while doing everything possible to facilitate it in mainstream venues will get nothing except cynicism and defiance
and if it does not "get real" quite quickly, it is going to find that external events will force it to do so at a price too terrible for it to comprehend.

the virus is a preview of that.
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