We are a bottle of wine in and ready for another messed up documentary
The fact that Justin Bieber is in this, even if only briefly, is making this for me
“Competitive tickling” can’t be anything wholesome. I already know there’s some DARK stuff going on here
Wait these people are running a competitive tickling league but is still like NO HOMOS!!!! HOMOS ARE WEIRD!!! We don’t wanna be associated with that!!!!!
“The competitive reality tickling is a passionately and exclusively heterosexual athletic endurance activity.” This isn’t even FIVE MINUTES IN
These guys trying SO HARD to stop the documentary is VERY suspicious
The hidden camera in the coffee cup AMAZING
The footage of the guy getting tickled makes me SO uncomfortable good lord
“I don’t think you’ve grasped the magnitude of what you have provoked” AHHHHH
Omg the extent to which they tried to ruin this man’s life. This is so scary
They were like “we DONT want homos associated with this” and then it was like “this guy takes part in HOMO tickling activity, you don’t want him on your team”
I really don’t need the one guy in this talking about tickling as a fetish when I already have stuff like this in my curious cat
Alright I officially hate this
Everything about this got SUPER intense and scary holy crap
He’s an ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL!!!!! I’m so freaking SHOOK and DISTURBED
I gotta stop watching these documentaries about sexual predators getting off easy because it just enrages me
“This tickling empire is bigger than we ever imagined” you’re telling me!!!!!!!
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