(1) The vaccination, chipping & (Google-assisted) tracking of those "infected" via #5G r an extension of the citizen-targeting & asset-rape protocol run by #FederalBureauOfTerrorism #DOJ #DHS #NSA #DoD thru #FusionCenters.

Citizen-targeting is now making international news.
(2) "Hey, he/she has a virus just like he/she is a "terrorist," yet they aren't,"

Let's track them with a cell-phone application, flash-mob them, target them, provoke them & our militarized, #Stasi-styled, jack-booted, law enforcement & brown shirt teams will join in on the fun
(3) #GangStalking is a disinformation term, like #ConspiracyTheory, created to specifically discredit an individual or group. But for the purposes of hashtag recognition, the whole #COVID19, rapid- #5G installation, vaccination, chipping & tracking is #GangStalking gone mainstream
(4) This whole scenario is the #NationalSecurityRacketeeringNetwork's #FusionCenter-coordinated, citizen-targeting protocol & asset-rape program on steroids.

The public is finally awakening.
(5) All of a sudden, the accounts of civilians targeted for many years by the #FederalBureauOfTerrorism #DHS #InfraGard #DOJ #JTTF #LEIUs bear a LOT more weight for they are attempting to take citizen-targeting and elimination ( #GangStalking - once again a disinfo term) global.
(6) This is the silver lining in the cloud for those super-empowered & talented individuals who have been targeted by evil, sadistic & sociopathic #DHS personnel, #FBI and their domestic- #terrorism-loving "civilian branch" #InfraGard.

Now all of a sudden people ARE waking up.
(7) #5G is a #DEW AKA Directed Energy Weapon, an Active Denial System ( #ADS) & the frequency-based means to interface people across the world with AI & D-Wave computer systems which were up and running 2+ decades ago.

#JadeHelm was not an exercise. It was an (ongoing) AI rollout
(8) Elon Musk's statements that "in the future we will begin to interface humans (AKA "nodes" on the Internet of Things AKA IoT) to an AI systems" was merely preemptive programming.

It has already been done - across the world - without our consent.
(9) Schools like . @Georgetown University have received grants from the #DoD #IARPA to do heinous, Nazi- & Milgram-styled experiments (remotely - via frequency based technology) under the guise of #neuroplasticity studies.

They are altering people's brain functions w/o consent.
(10) And even "better" they invite in (and pay thru federal grants) foreign national doctoral students & post-doctorals (from Iran, India, China & Pakistan) to experiment on non-consenting Americans with "AI to human interface technology."

This constitutes #CrimesAgainstHUmanity
(11) Many universities engaged in #neuroplasticity studies are participating in these #DoD #IARPA funded programs and the "students" are required to sign #NDAs to perform these lethal studies.

Remember Obama's Brain initiative? All of these things are tied in together.
(12) #coronavirus #5G #chipping #vaccinations are the primary mechanisms to interfacing entire populations with AI, for monitoring and control - without anyone's consent.
(13) But at now at least, the general public is sampling a taste of the soon-to-be-global targeting protocol. I do not say this out of schadenfreude, but rather a contentedness that many of our claims over several decades will now be recognized as valid, versus ....
(14) belonging to the realm of " #ConspiracyTheorists."

Those who are targeted have an edge over the non-informed "newbies" with regards to what we are seeing arise from the pits of hell via Gates, Musk, Fauci, Kushner, the #DeepState ....
(15) and unethical schools which perpetrate crimes against humanity like . @Georgetown, since we have long been aware of this technology, its danger to humanan-kind and its lethal potential.

#coronavirus is all about population control, thru lock-downs, chipping ....
(16) and AI to human interface.

Stay Salty - Dr. X

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