Now all the IMPACT wrestlers are gooning about the fact that their stinky championship stinks and isn't worth using as a dinner plate, which anybody with a sense of reality about themselves would recognize as the truth, but since wrestlers are all full of themselves...
I am just sick of these pretensions, man, they're a bad look. It's either extremely blind loyalty, concentrated ignorance, or lying to themselves. Perhaps some combination of the three. But, man, read the goddamn room for once in your lives. Recognize where you are at.
This isn't to say IMPACT is bad, because it isn't. This isn't to say I dislike IMPACT, because I don't. This is to say that, over time, IMPACT has done A LOT to diminish the way it is viewed in the eyes of fans and many people inside the business. They brought this on themselves.
If you're working IMPACT and you're a 15-year vet that's never made or sniffed WWE or NXT or even AEW, YOU'VE GOT TO THINK SOMETHING IS UP. You gotta stop thinking it's everybody else's fault. And you've got to bring down this pretense that people around the world still care.
Y'all are on TWITCH, man. Twitch! And I don't even know if I have the channel, or what the channel is called, that they air on television. Pursuit Channel? What the fuck kind of recognized world champions wrestle on Pursuit Channel? Good Lord, my brain is breaking in half.
WWE is a world championship because they still sell 60K tickets once a year, and 20K tickets a number of other times that same year. AEW does 5-10K for TV once a week, and 10-12K for PPV four times. NJPW sells out the Tokyo Dome 1-2x per year.

IMPACT is on Twitch.
Oh, and here's one logical disqualifier, if we are to posit one in the first place: Having the company's "world title" go from a dude who's known for pushing around women, to an woman who's known for bullying locker rooms and dropping racial slurs? I mean...
If Moose wins the strap off Tessa, then, I think, it would be fair for the PWI to recognize it as a legitimate world championship. NWA needs to bring Cornette back to get themselves on the list, though a run with Bram on top might get them there all the same.
The true delight of IMPACT exclamation point Wrestling is they need the "we used to be TNA" thing to, in a number of ways, remain afloat as a company at all, yet it is that same thing that will prevent the company from ever being more than it is now. A double-edged sword.
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