My apartment is in an ever gentrified part of East Ldn, today on my run I'm shook by the no. of white & middle-class ppl out & about sun-bathing/ just hanging, knowing most of these ppl have access to family homes, balconies and gardens. In contrast, in the ends ...1/7
in that same area, through hostile design, strategic divestment in our communities, austerity & social cleansing, there are so many families living in overcrowded homes/ council estates that run-down, hostile and traumatised homes and living. And yet still at home 2/7
That also black and brown youth in ends can't just go for a 'run' in my area without being profiled and stopped and searched. That right now dog's out running have more mobility and protection than some youth, and in part, this is also true pre-pandemic 3/7
The 'invincibility' of white & middle-class folks (yes in a lot of ways ur privilege continues to safeguard u) & continues to endanger our lives, as people w/o those privileges, resources, access to health as well as immune & nervous systems already weakened thru oppression 4/7
I'll believe 'we are all in this together' when you are proactively resisting all the ways, (pandemic or not) those of us marginalised are harmed and made disposable. 5/7
Your allyship right now & as always is redistributing resources, giving up power & platform and having the necessary conversations with ur family & friends so we don't have to keep saying ' Stop killing us!' #collectyourppl 6/7
Also white folk offering new age 'healing', yoga, (co-opted practice) etc while simultaneously benefitting from disinheriting our communities of our spiritual practices is violence. We're here coz of colonial capitalist chronic unsustainability. Uplift poc & indigenous practice
That is all ...for now. The rest of you cuties enabling liberation and community care, sleep well x
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