when u feel so strongly about a musicians death, but u never knew them and u weren't even alive when they were, but u've spent hours crying over it and seeing footage of them and crying like u knew them, and u've never felt such a physical connection to someone u never knew-
and their lyrics feel like you almost wrote them yourself, and the last few projects u've written and shown others those others say it has the energy of said passed musician. and so u go and u research their myers-briggs and their enneagram out of curiousity, and low and behold-
they just happen to have the exact same myers-briggs and enneagram as u do. this hits u. things seem to click and make sense. u research if u can have a spritual connection with someone u've never known, more specifically, a dead celebrity. u can't find anything, this worries u-
but u continue to research...and still nothing. but there must be some way right? u've always believed in soulmates and guardian angels, who says those can't be people u've never met? u aren't sure, but something feels different about said musician.
am i talking abt kurt cobain? yes. do i sound like im going crazy to all of u? probably. i'd assume so anyways. i just wonder if anyone else has ever felt similarly.
am i spiritually connected to him at my core? idk. i don't know enough abt any of tht. i haven't done enough spiritual research in my lifetime but i've done enough that i should trust my gut and my intuition.
someone i follow feels similarly abt jim morrison. i think they said he's like her spiritual guide or something? idk. i have no way to contact her but i think i feel similar to her.
this probablt sohnds like absolute nonsense to all of u, and i could rly just relate to his music but idk man. something feels different
i dont rly talk abt spirituality here (let alone anywhere) bc i don't want people to see me as like, a tin foil hat person or something i guess. i fear judgement! but this has been on my stir crazy brain for a bit so i jus wanted to vocalize it lol. carry on.
oh also literally anything related to ive been overly emotional abt and ppl have told me tht. IDK this all weirds me out and i never considered it to maybe be something otherworldly til now IDKIDKIDK i need to shut up i sound crazy
OR omg the one time my dad was talking down on him and i literallt started bawling and he was so confused
and i used to feel this way abt david bowie when i was like 11-13 so. thats also interesting.
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