Nice quote from the actress who played April in the first TMNT movie: “I was doing pre-production on Ninja Turtles while I was wrapping up Cadillac Man with Robin Williams. [Robin asked], “Where are you going? You are out of here.” And I said, “I’m shooting another movie.” (1/3)
“And he said, “Well, what’s the title of the movie?” Now, I’d never heard of Ninja Turtles beforehand. And so when he asked me, I was embarrassed. And I think I mumbled it a little bit. I was like, “Yeah, it’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.” And he went, “What?” He lost his mind.”
“Because he had the first comic book. He was a fan. And he said, “Are you playing April?” He was so excited. From then on I was like, “I’m in a movie called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.”
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