RUH ROH. i'm embarking on downton abbey. can only assume it's a mystery about who misspelled the name of their castle?
texted to a friend who asked how i like it: "you 'd think in a period piece they'd have proper string arrangements [not derived from keyboard parts], but i suppose this is supposed to forbode the encroachment of reductive modernism? "
i hope they use the dog alot. great dog.
the old bat indulges in bad exposition theatre. as old bats do when class survival is at stake and some other female doesn't measure up to need.
the help are super fkn busy and quick of tongue, the uppers are what those of us who meditate aspire to.
everyone is upset about the titanic. my tompy came over on the britannia, the sister ship. to get away from these annoying fks one can only presume.
ok finally someone i can relate to - guy with a bad knee that acts up. followed by a smoking area scene. this show could work.
basso profundo lower and baritone lower talk. ageing tenor is the guy from king's speech. he and his butler are duelling leads, i suspect. while there's a trio of karens who are altos who tear each other down trying to be soprano
kingspeech guy's wife is put upon. presumably by his mother, the old bat. who's gonna control the fortune and everything depends upon it oh my it's the same old story but different. everyone cares more about this place than the next, it's a capitalism contest hurrah
ok the poorest, lowest working girl is the highest soprano, this shit is on. she'll own the joint by the end, but not quite?
the karens turned purple. and i'm meant to assume clammy sweaty guy is a bad apple?
it's amazing these people reproduce. their idea of sexy is surely the titanic's iceberg
basso is icing the gimp as if everyone's life relies upon it. which it totally does except for reality.
kingspeech is cool enough to deal with the gimp personally. but super cunty about it.
flirty chick sounds like andie macdowell. and eyes like michelle bachmann. she has the inside track on the dauphin. who is basically jared as far as i can tell.
old ginger cook obviously is the indispensable person. meanwhile, the fact that the gimp has emotions makes him obviously unsuitable for employment in whitesville.
the dauphin is def moving in on kingspeech's cash
clammy and dauphin are in bastard cousin sexy cahoots. makes sense.
kingspeech is repurposing the gimp for right reasons, keeping him separate from dauphin who'll surely infect gimp with resentment/privilege. end S1/E1
S1/E2: ok it's written/created by a guy Julian Fellowes. name is meant, however unintentionally, to irk/soothe me. i'm not good with the other Julians. this could be a problem.
he's a Lord, which confirms my suspicion. and kingspeech is a different actor, but - too late, nickname rules.
the main music is like jittery jerry lee lewis 8th notes, whatever brit copeland took his 'appalachian' melodic shit from, the harmonic availabilities of accordian buttons, & the formal attributes of a scone. so - way above average for tv/film scoring. bravo. top shelf.
uh oh - the rightful heir and mother arrive, determined in their middle class frumpery
bosley and the obvious romantic housewoman exist now. humiliation is the resting state of heir's soul.
team middle class + uppers = classic awkward. is this funny time? everyone is ruffled, so i suppose the status quo remains intact and utterly conservative
oh shit , basso has received correspondence! and the nurse mum has gravitas. exposition insertion cont's apace.
this is total reality tv trash set in the past. no wonder it's popular. the alto trio cont's to fiddle about finding men to marry. heir cont's to avoid service. the richies kitchen is pretty tricked out.
heir's mum is bitchin good at medicine, therefore dismissed. crazy eyes is ripping the help, then selling her daughter to keep the estate.
of course they clap on the 1
the old bat butters up the heir. smoking area + clock maintenance. they're really mtv-ing up the quick cuts from scene to scene
thank god the dog is back. too short. the basso has a tormentor, who is a former double actor and filcher. kingspeech dispatches with the !shame! because he's cool.
it has to be said that the gimp is very bobby baccala
it is obvious that we're meant to be distracted by the complexity of far too many characters to keep track of. we are being distracted from syrup, which is totally acceptable on this pancake of a class narrative. why is fellowes ashamed of dickens, for surely this is folly.
heir mum is gettin it done. old bat is typically clueless for pragmatism. kingspeech is a team player/coach. alto trio have diverged into different colour schemes. basso's lady referred to the old bat as an old bat, confirming my terms.
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