Recent changes to the Schedule of Medical Benefits, which contains the agreed upon value to Albertans of various medical benefits, are leading to changed incentives. The UCP has been successful at making the narrative be about money for greedy docs, but it is about consequences.
The UCP has decided that docs who provide services in a community clinic and in a hospital should be paid about 30% less for the SAME service in a hospital with sicker patients. Consequence: docs will not want to see patients in a hospital.
The UCP has decided that medical liability reimbursement will be cut by some unstated amount, estimated at a 50% cut. Insurance is very high for obstetrical care. Consequence: women will not be able to deliver babies in their own communities, with their own family doctor.
Complex (time) modifiers were removed for minutes 15-25 on care. This change is currently suspended but given this government's reliability, there is no reason to suppose it will remain suspended. Consequence: docs will do more frequent, shorter visits.
Stipends for providing on-call services were terminated and then reinstated until August. Consequence: docs will stop providing care in low volume areas, such as trauma in the cities and anesthesia/obstetrics in rural areas.
UCP has passed Bill 21 which allows them the legal right to ignore contracts. They have abused and accused physicians of fraudulent billing. @shandro has threatened, bullied and harassed physicians personally. Consequence: physicians will leave Alberta if they can.
These changes disproportionately target rural physicians and physicians who work both in community clinics and the hospital. Physicians offered equivalent $$ savings which were less harmful to patient care. UCP refused. Why? Do they want these consequences? Do Albertans?
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