I'm guilty of it but I try not to do it now
its annoying when people have to constantly shove down your throat that they're better in many ways because they have a better phone or whatever
just s t o p
if you do this, try not to
it gets annoying when you're on the receiving...
end of these comments
i appreciate this video a lot because he's proving a point that I believe is great
I mean, don't get me wrong, apple products are cool like ipads and iPods. Those are good. But I've never used a phone or a mac/laptop/whatever it is called on a daily basis...
so i may be missing the point
but its really annoying to see people make fun of others bc of what they have
if you have remarks, keep them to yourself.
and someone is prob gonna comment on this saying smth like "Oh yOuRe JuSt jElOuS CaUsE You HavE TwiTteR foR AnDrOid"
and no ...
I'm not jealous
i just want to rant cuz if i hear one more person i know, when I'm talking abt my phone, say smth like 'Androids.." every time i bring a remotely negative or concerned comment
might delete this thread later. might not
thanks for coming to my ted talk
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