Quick theory on enma becoming a supreme grade weapon
There is currently 12 supreme grade weapons in One Piece

I think Enma can become the 13th supreme grade weapon and I will explain why
Enma is named after the ruler of hell Enma Daiō in Japanese Buddhism.

What supports this being true is Tenguyama saying enma can cut through hell itself
We all know Oda loves to integrate Japanese folklore and history into one piece.

Wano is Japanese themed which has Japanese folklore and history references all over the arc.

So it makes sense for Oda to do what I’m about to explain.
In Japanese Buddhism their are 13 judges of hell and Enma Daiō is the 13th and the top of all the other judges making him the ruler.
The key thing to takeaway is the 13 judges. 12 supreme grade weapons currently but if enma becomes the 13th it will match folklore.
2 ways enma can rise in rank to become the 13th

1. Becomes a black blade
2. A feat that will give the blade enough prestige and fame to rank up.

I believe a feat worthy of doing this will be killing kaido. What’s more impressive than killing the worlds strongest creature-
Known for being not killable. A feat like that should be enough to give enma the prestige to rise to a supreme grade weapon.
Ion really care if this happens or not. Just a quick observation I made while reading up on enma that peaked my interest.
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