Mommy Brigid time. I have a couple thoughts:
Writers posting answers to questions like “what would ___ [creator’s characters] be doing right now” is not IN ANY WAY taking advantage of a global pandemic for book promotion. Full stop. (But also, continued.)
For one thing, it’s a question that many readers/viewers are asking, since we’ve all got time to sit around and ponder silly and frivolous things now. So in a lot of cases, it’s just a creator answering a question, and that’s no more book promo now than in non-pandemic times.
For another thing, part of a creator’s job is to apply a lens or a filter to modern day life and present it to readers, listeners, or viewers, in a way that gives comfort, hope, or an alternate view of a situation.
For example, Harry Potter would look at this time of isolation differently from Hermione, and it’s totally okay for people to muse about it, including JK Rowling. There’s currently a viral piece about TV writers saying what their characters would have said about this situation.
Finally, even though this type of musing isn’t promotional, we’re all allowed to continue earning a livelihood right now. If, during the last 3 weeks, you’ve listened to music, read a book, or watched something on television, it’s BECAUSE SOMEONE CREATED THAT FOR YOU.
My local liquor store owner told me that March was his best month in this history of his store. Is he somehow using the pandemic for promotion? Of course not. He’s giving his customers what they want. So are creators.
Basically, bottom line: be kind. If someone isn’t harming someone else, let it go. We’re all trying to do our best.
You can follow @BrigidKemmerer.
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