We need the economic task force now.

Every interview with top notch doctors I’ve seen for the last 72 hours say we can’t completely eliminate risk. This seems obvious.

Determine what industries are naturally socially distanced. Construction, continuous process mfg, /1
and some discrete manufacturing come to mind. Give guidelines for workplace, proper cleaning of computer screens & timeclocks & let’s go.

Next, restaurants. For those with adequate seating, determine table spacing & prohibit bar seating. Small groups only. (6 or less) /2
Retail is trickier but can be managed with customer flow markings (one way aisles and spacing markers at checkout) Get techs in to make doors proximity doors that open when shoppers approach.

Require in home service providers to wear N95 masks when supply is sufficient /3
to protect themselves & their customers.

Prioritize antibody testing if you really believe as high as 80% of sufferers are asymptomatic. Certainly these people can return to a somewhat normal life once antibodies are confirmed. That alone could turn the lights /4
back on in many cases. Doing random surveillance doesn’t get people cleared to work.

Recommend continued isolation for at risk populations (obviously) and support these people appropriately.

People are not going to be open to this continued forced isolation beyond the end /5
of April, if that long. The public health experts have had their way to this point. It’s time some creative business leaders start pushing them to ask how we CAN do things, rather than just being told we can’t.

Retrofitting, reorganization & other ideas should all be on /6
the table, but America need to get back to work.

And as Americans we are creative & innovative enough to figure out how to get this done. So let’s get going. Especially if decent therapeutics are validated in the next few weeks. /end
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