Standing order: no private outdoor fires
Emergency order: no public events
(including the public biur site)

What do I do?
How are you getting rid of your bedika chametz?
Since there's an obligation to rid one's home of leaven (can't eat it, can't own it, can't lodge it), the law is that one must search for it to ensure one's home is leaven free. But to ensure the search is thorough and purposeful, we hide bread. 1/2
Then that bread must be destroyed, and that's usually by fire (=biur). The town I'm in actually has a public fire in a drum for this purpose, as I discovered my first year here when I thought the nearby synagogue was on fire bc of the smoke. But not this year.
A picture of burning the bread from a Haggadah:
Thought I mentioned lulavim in this thread... But anyway:
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