being loyal in the talking stage doesn’t work nowadays because people don’t know loyalty. they’ll be fucking the entire world in the name of not being official w you and you’re just supposed to suck it up. yikes.
you think you’re getting to know someone but all they’re doing is sharing pieces themselves with people they’re fucking on the side, now you’re taking in all those energies too. ffs.
imagine all the energies you’re now tied to unwillingly because people can’t respect you enough to be loyal to you while claiming they value you and want you in their lives ☹️
then you wonder why you feel heavy or going through certain shit that doesn’t make sense. and it’s all because someone you fuck with is diluting your being.. you’re taking in theirs AND the 3 other people they’re fucking’s energies ☹️☹️
then you ultimately get into a relationship built on lies and mixed energies. all because umntu can’t even be loyal to the thought of you.. double yikes.
everyone they were fucking while perusing you is also now out here thinking “lol” because timeline clashes.. and wena you’re in love with someone who was busy sexing them while claiming to want you. fucking YIKES.
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