It’s difficult for me to see a number of abled Christians writing pieces about the difficulties of isolation and the spiritual importance of in-person community, when churches still claim exemption from the ADA - excluding #disabled ppl from community via inaccessibility.
It’s frustrating to see abled voices dominating THIS narrative the same way they dominate every other narrative. Abled folks writing their tips for how to manage this difficulties of isolation at home - when disabled folks have been living this way for years.
Abled voices writing about how they can’t wait for things to return to “normal” again - which tells me and other disabled people watching that you aren’t gaining any perspective here on what life is *always* like for many of us, and will return to the same inaccessible norms.
Abled voices writing about seriously we need to take this because “it turns out even young healthy people are getting seriously ill,” when they were previously blowing this off when it was “only dangerous for disabled people and the elderly.”
Abled traditional pastors trying to give each other suggestions on how to shepherd online communities well without ever turning to ask the many disabled theologians, writers, and community activists who have been doing ministry primarily or even solely online for years.
#Disabled immunocompromised people were on the front lines of sounding the alarms on this crisis, the canaries in the coal mine for many of you who spent weeks and even months this would all blow over. And yet our voices are *still* not being centered in the ongoing coverage.
Hire #disabled writers. Center disabled voices. Seek disabled leaders. Learn from disabled wisdom.
(Yes this is full of typos. My apologies, I’m still far from 100% recovered and need some extra grace while I try to get back into using my brain again.)
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