no offense but literally all branches of satanism r crypto-fascist and i think ppl get too caught up in the idea of a religious community for the irreligious when one isn't needed
this isn't me being like. Grr mean man but rather extensively researching the founder of the [Satanic Temple] (yes the one that rivals the [Church of Satan]) and he is both pro-eugenics and antisemitic but "Progressively" (obviously there is no way to be progressive abt this)
btw this is not me saying everyone who is part of the [satanic temple] is a crypto-fascist but rather it's a gateway for crypto-facism to the point there were local chapters that split into their own sects (some as far as i can tell entirely disbanding) bc of discomfort
if u saw this and wondered How though

cw antisemitism / ableism / racism
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