Recently I've been full of self-doubt.
I'm an NHS nurse, but not in the hospital.
I'm not knowingly treating patients that are #COVID19 positive.
I'm not administering IV medications.
I'm not titrating inotropes...1/8

@WeNurses @WeGPNs.
... I'm not altering ventilator settings and monitoring observations.

So what do I do then?

I am vaccinating and protecting the new generation...

...and yet when my street erupts with applause on a Thursday evening I don't feel like I deserve it...2/8
...I'm at the end of the phone for patients with multiple comorbidities. Responding to exacerbating symptoms & titrating treatment in response to this.

...& yet, when given the opportunity to jump the queue at the supermarket I don't; because I feel like I don't deserve it...3/8
... I'm administering life improving treatments to patients who have cancer or are recovering from cancer.

...and yet, I've not taken advantage of any of the free or discounted merchandise on offer for NHS workers; because I feel like I don't deserve it... 4/8
...I have pro actively contacted our most vulnerable patients. Ensuring they have what they need and ensuring that they are safe...

...and yet because I'm not physically hands on with patients, in hospital I feel like I'm undeserving of the praise that is given to the NHS...5/8
...However, without my work my patients would be more likely to present at hospital. Without my work, new babies and children would be at risk of acquiring deadly childhood illnesses. Without my work the elderly and vulnerable could go amiss... 6/8
...While my work isn't as acute, or risky, or media worthy; my work is important. My work will be making a difference in this crisis. Without the efforts of Primary Care, Secondary Care would soon become saturated... 7/8
...So I need to remember this I need to appreciate the part I play...and maybe, just maybe enjoy a little of the applause on Thursday like it's for me. 8/8
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