On this Palm Sunday, a reminder that Jesus was an itinerant anarchist working to dismantle the capitalist state through nonviolent disruption. He spoke aramaic -- the language of the poor. Also, he had a beard.
If you're running a for-profit mega church, and I'm looking at you Joel Osteen, Christ would have put a boot up your ass. Solide. If you're torturing children to "convert" them away from homosexuality, Jesus would have cracked the whip. #PalmSunday
If you drape yourself in the trappings of faith and make a big show of your Christianity, JC would have punked you.
If you seek power and riches for their own sake, the Prince of Peace would tell you to get to the back of the line.
If you're cup overfloweth, he'd want you to share that sweet sweet wine. People like to make fun of the faithful, or mock them as less evolved -- word up Dawkins -- but there's something brave and revolutionary about the New Testament. We can all learn a thing or two.
If you made spelling/grammar mistakes, Jesus would forgive you probably. Except for it's its. He was a stickler.
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