The argument that “I’m covered in Jesus’ blood so I still attend church & take no distancing precautions” is “living by faith” raises eyebrows & has sparked disagreement in the faith community. (1/12)
Here’s how I see it. Some faith communities focus exclusively on the “protective power of GOD” while others focus on the “obligation to be prudent.” But which is correct? It depends. (2/12)
The Bible says in Proverbs 22:3
“A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.” (3/12)
To be “prudent” doesn’t always constitute a lack of faith. And to “trust in the protective power of GOD” always doesn’t constitute recklessness. It all depends on a person’s level of faith. (4/12)
Paul told the Church in Romans 12:3 “...Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us.” (5/12)
It is unloving & unwise to try to “practice” a faith you have never tested during a pandemic—especially in a way where you can hurt others. Not everyone has faith. So, to make them feel safe, it may be prudent to practice your faith in a way that doesn’t put them at risk. (6/12)
On the other side of the spectrum is the belief that we can call our anxiety “prudence” & not reap the results that fear brings. The balance between trusting the protective power of GOD & being prudent is one that the Holy Spirit much strike within each of us. (7/12)
Psalms 91 covers GOD’s CANOPY OF PROTECTION. In that one chapter, 4 of the dangers of demonic attack are either covered or implied. These dangers are: War, Famine, Plague, & attack from Wild Animals. (8/12)
We must educate ourselves to the specific direction given in Psalms 91 for each attack. For example, “ plague shall come nigh thy dwelling” means that my home is protected from this specific attack. So, during a plague, my dwelling (home) is my safe place. (9/12)
In Isaiah 26:20, the Prophet warns, “Go home until this calamity passes over...”
In Exodus 12, the Israelites were directed to mark their houses with the blood of a lamb & “stay in your homes” until the death angel passes over. (10/12)
It is not a lack of faith to follow a quarantine order. It is a display of prudence. Our homes should become tabernacles where we pray, worship, & seek direction from the LORD about His heart concerning these times. (11/12)
Let’s not fight each other about the way in which we choose to express faith in these times. And also, let’s not put others at risk because our faith may make us feel invincible.
We must let FAITH in GOD, LOVE for others, & HOPE for better days be our motivation. (12/12)
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