[ Tips for Sakura DIY Recipes THREAD ]

#AnimalCrossing #ACNH
DISCLAIMER: before I begin, this info isn’t new or revolutionary. I wasn’t the first to figure these things out. I read multiple guides from other Twitter users, but I just want to help my followers who are still struggling, and write things in my own words. 🌸
🌸 Balloons spawn (as of 4/5) every 5 minutes at the XX:X5 or XX:X0 minute marks. For example, if I started at 12:00, a solid colored balloon *could* spawn at 12:00, 12:05, 12:10, etc.

But they do NOT always spawn every 5 minutes; in my experience, they average every 10 minutes
So let’s begin covering a few of the biggest misconceptions:

🌸 Sakura DIY only come from solid colored balloons, not striped egg balloons. The picture posted above shows what an egg balloon looks like. Just ignore these to save time.
🌸 Sakura DIY can come from ANY SOLID COLOR BALLOON. Do not believe people that say otherwise. I have gotten Sakura DIY from all 4 colors, which are red, blue, green, and yellow for reference. 🎈
🌸 Balloon spawns change direction based on whether it’s day or night! For example, in the daytime, my balloons float from west to east, and at night they float east to west. It could be different for your island, so be sure to figure this out before you start!
🌸 In a 5 minute spawn interval, on AVERAGE, you will see 3 egg balloons and 1 normal balloon. The 3 egg balloons are almost a given, but the 1 normal balloon might not always show every 5 minutes, as I stated before.
🌸 Egg balloons float twice as quickly as normal balloons! However, imo, the whoosh noises from egg balloons can distract you from the normal balloons. So don’t rely on sound to listen for balloons. Rely more on the fact that normal balloons *always* spawn at 5 min intervals!
🌸 Now, if you understand these basic rules, you can start hunting. However, it is rumored that simply standing on the beach waiting for balloons makes them stop spawning. I can neither confirm or deny this. Instead, camp out on the grass near your beach.
🌸 Please look at the picture I posted at the start of this thread: whenever I sit that far inland, the balloons consistently spawn for me. So you don’t have to be super far from the coastline for this to work! Just don’t camp on the beach to be safe.
🌸 Whenever you hit the 5 min mark (e.g. 12:00, 12:05, 12:10, etc) RUN ACROSS THE ENTIRE VERTICAL STRETCH OF BEACH scanning the sky for balloons. Remember normal balloons are slower so don’t give up until after one full minute goes by (e.g. 12:01, 12:06, 12:11 etc)
You can follow @princess_snivy.
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