
So I’ve held my counsel on the LFC staff furlough as I wanted to give the club an opportunity to deny they were using the Govt Furlough scheme, as the statement they released was ambiguous. It did not mention the scheme only that staff would get 100% of their wages.
The fact they haven’t denied it and all the journalists seem to have been briefed on it tells me everything I need to know.

To say I am disappointed is an understatement.

This is not who we are.

This is a betrayal of our core values.

This is a betrayal of our club.
You can’t on one hand espouse the “This means more” line and trot out Shankly quotes about socialism, while simultaneously acting like greedy capitalists. Those two things are diametrically opposed to each other. We are owned by billionaires and post multi million pound profits.
We do not need to rely on a Govt scheme which is funded by taxpayers. LFC should be paying their staff 100% of their wages out of their own coffers. The wages of the staff being furloughed is a drop in the ocean to what the players are being paid.
What makes this announcement all the more disappointing is that it comes on the back of so much good work done by the club with local charities and the local community. This shocking and unexpected turn of events has undone all the good will that had been built up. Why do this?!?
To say this is a PR disaster for LFC is an understatement. This is something that will cause dismay amongst fans for a long time to come. We have long memories and we can hold a grudge.....

But it doesn’t have to be this way....
I hope the club looks at the reaction of fans and reconsiders it’s decision. I hope they look at the disparity of their words compared to their actions and choose to make a u turn and make the right moral choice for our club.

Over to you LFC.......
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