Yes, I cry a lot in bed. But no, not because of boys and love. Mostly because of money, my mom, friends, studies and why the hell am I not good enough...a thread 😪
I've been thinking about this a lot lately and I really feel like I need to talk about it now that I just turned 21 and everyone has all these expectations... I know most of you have no clue who I am and don't even care but this is probably the hardest thing for me to do 💯
This was taken on my birthday last year and although it was fun, I honestly wasn't happy at all... I didn't bother trying to look good because I felt so disgusting and ugly. Maybe you think I'm complaining but it was a story like this that inspired me to do what I did...
One of my biggest goals was to be able to feel pretty on my day. Every year goes by and I'm so terrified of what people are going to say so I stopped posting pics whenever that day comes around. I've tried dieting and working out but it just doesn't work for me at all....
I even tried not eating and I started to lose a little bit but it was so uncomfortable hearing people ask "why aren't you eating?" and seeing people eat whatever and not gain a single pound. 😩 ughhh like why? Why cant I just eat like a normal person and not have to struggle?
Month after month passed by and I gave up on myself and I had absolutely no more faith at this point. It got so bad that I started cutting my friends off and my grades dropped since I would skip school just to be alone and avoid all the pressure 🙁🙁
This was the moment I realized I needed to do something... My bras and underwear barely fit and taking selfies was more depressing than ever before. I knew that I wasn't happy with how I looked and everything in my life was falling apart due to all of my insecurities. 😓
Crying myself to sleep every night was awful. My dog couldn't even come to bed with me anymore because there wasn't any room and I was in total shock that I actually gained that much weight! I would just search Google and scroll on social media for ANYTHING that would help.
I remember it was a Sunday night and oomf had liked a post about this girl Sarah who discovered a weight loss program at school. I'm not sure if it was out of desperation or whether I was just really curious but I decided to read it...
Now I was on a website that said "Meet the Stanford Masters Student Who Lost 25 Pounds With Her Universities Money!" and I laughed at first but I grew more interested as I kept reading it ( if you want you can check out the article here ( )
So I'm laying there like "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?!" like this HAS to be a bunch of BS but then again, I honestly wanted to try it too. I had nothing to lose and I could relate to everything she was saying and it made me wonder....
And it turned out to be the absolute best decision I've ever made until this day! I still can't believe what happened to me after this...
I knew I would be drinking A LOT during this whole process so I went out and bought a whole box of Gatorade (that's my favorite drink) so I would be prepared to stick with it I was so determined to do this!!
I added Sarah's routine to my daily schedule and began following her directions everyday and finally saw my body changing week after week. My fat belly, my thick arms, cellulite on my legs, etc. started disappearing and it was mind-blowing to actually SEE the results!!!
In 2 weeks I went from this... THIS!!❣️
Then 2 weeks later... I kept seeing results!!
AND after another quick month... ❣️
Now 3 months of using this every single day... It's soo amazing to see where I first started to where Im at now. All thanks to Sarah's program ( ) I have so much more energy and I'm so proud of myself! Absolutely 100% all-natural results!
Some people are going to say "That's not even the same girl..." Whatever dude, here's before and after in the same outfit, same face, same tattoo I DID THIS!!!!! 🤐
It was my birthday last week and for the first time in a very long time I felt beautiful and so happy on MY special day!! 🎂🎁That was the greatest gift I could've ever asked for and I'm glad that I have friends who supported me throughout this whole journey! THANK YOU ALL!
Made this video this morning then got on the scale and realized that I HIT MY GOAL!!!🎉🎉🎉🤪🤪🤪💯
There is a lot of skeptical people reading this who think I'm bullshitting or that I'm just promoting a scam... I thought the SAME thing until I ACTUALLY tried it. So if you're not satisfied with your body, you should try Sarah's program ( ) It's worth it!
If I never saw Sarahs article that night, I don't even know if I would ever be as happy as I am today.. Like I cant even find the words to describe how blessed I am for this opportunity to get the body I've always wanted! Everyone should be able to feel this confident!
Don't let anyone prevent you from doing this for yourself! It's so easy to just give up and accept failure, but I'm proof that you don't have to take that road. You can finally get results if you have a little patience and ignore the negativity! Here's more before/after pics!🤯
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