the 3 doshas (a thread).
in ayurveda, the universal life force energy can manifest itself in 3 different ways known as the doshas. they are called vata, pitta, and kapha. we are all made up of these 3 energies but some people tend to have an abundance of one or two of these energies.
you can use these doshas as a blueprint (or prakriti) for your ayurvedic healing. as you love through life, these doshas fluctuate (like all other energies in life) based on your environment, diet, the seasons, climate, your age, and other factors.
these doshas affect your health, energy levels, and mood. you must keep an eye on whether or not they are balanced as they can give insight to your overall well-being.

those with heavy vata energy tend to be thin and lanky. they are ruled by air and ether. they are both mentally and physically active, usually choosing activities that work both in unison. they are creative, imaginative, and love meeting new people.
when unbalanced, they are anxious, ungrounded, and can be a little flaky. they tend to run cold in their hands and feet, suffer from constipation, have dry skin, and cracking joints. they have fluctuating energy, moods, and appetites because of how the energy moves in their body.
if you are a vata-type, you may fall to eat and sleep regularly. you could eat really heavy one day and really light the next day. you tend to stimulate yourself with coffee and sugars to maintain physical and mental activity, but this could cause problems for you later.

those ruled by pitta are strong and intense. they are ruled by fire and water. they tend to have a medium build and incredible endurance. you might noticed that they burn very easily in the sun and blush a lot because of all the fire energy.
they approach work and play with the same amount of intensity and competitiveness. they are natural leaders and quick, flexible learners. you could find that they are judge mental and impatient towards people who are slower than them at their worst.
if they miss a meal, they are likely to be grumpy. it’s common for them to suffer from health conditions such as inflammation, rashes, headaches, and acne. for balance. pittas much manage themselves by channeling their energy into something productive.

those with kappha energy are stable and compassionate. they are ruled by earth and water. they may find that they need to regularly exercise or else they will gain extra weight. they prefer a regular routine in their personal and professional lives.
when imbalanced, they can become unmotivated, stubborn, and complacent even when change is necessary. their metabolism tends to be slow and their appetite for both food and stimulation is less intense than others types.
they benefit from exposing themselves to new environments, peopled and occasional fastings. these types need more variety than others or they can feel trapped where they are in life. they are more prone to melancholy and sadness if not given the variety they need to thrive.
you can also be bi-doshic or tri-doshic meaning you have two or three of the doshas respectively. you don’t have to be only one. just be aware of what situations bring up which doshas so that you can learn about yourself and heal where you need to!
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