Some Sunday #ontag thoughts. We are all in this together. I've spent a lot of time the past few days thinking of ways I can help not only my industry but that of my neighbours. We are all going to be affected by this in some way afterall. Right now the dairy industry needs less
Milk. Usually when we need less milk we see an increase in cull cows. In the big picture that is absolutely the wrong thing to do right now. Our beef farming neighbours are being very negatively impacted by #COVID19 and adding cattle to the market would hurt them worse. We have
Made the decision on our farm to exhaust all other options before sending a cow to market during this crisis. We will dry some cows off early if possible. We will change our ration to decrease cost and not push for as much milk. We will remove palm fat from our ration. There are
Many different options for all of us that don't involve increased cattle going to market. It's the right thing to do to help our neighbours right now while also helping our own industry's needs. I'd ask all #Dairy folks to consider doing the same.
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