Andom Ghebreghiorgis is running for Congress in NY-16 (Bronx) and, like AOC, we're meant to see him as a representative of electoral radicalism, friend of the poor, champion of the imperialized.
[This thread was on my old banned account. The trolls thought it went down the memory hole but I got it lol]

An attempt at a materialist analysis - and an exposure of yet another leftoid fraud:
We were introduced to Andom through a blog post by Steve Salaita, to whom Andom's team reached out. This showed "poor judgment," Salaita noted, because of his own burned career as someone who refused to compromise on Palestine.
It is a curious thing. Why would this upstart candidate be reaching out to a "disgraced" professor, now bus driver, to further his electoral chances? If I were looking to instantly burnish my renegade cred, I'd run straight for one of the baddest boys on the left.
And he gets the traction he needs, for a minute. Salaita's credulous friends on Twitter take it all at face value. He gets RTs & amplification by ppl famous for claiming EVERYTHING is an op. It only lasts a few tweets, before others start checking on Andom
Salaita's piece is obviously written by someone skeptical of the US "left" but I don't agree with his analysis. He claims Andom is markedly different than opponent Jamaal Bowman on foreign policy.
But the difference is mostly aesthetic: between someone who "supports BDS" (Andom) and someone who doesn't but agrees it's protected speech/political activity (Bowman). How would this play out legislatively? It wouldn't. It couldn't. It doesn't matter. It's smoke.
In fact, as we found out, contra Salaita, Andom is NOT a principled anti-imperialist. He pals around with US-backed political opponents of his parents' home country of Eritrea.
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