1/6 In expanding vote-by-mail this year due to COVID-19, it should be possible to meet reasonable integrity concerns while providing full opportunity to vote. I for one don't favor letting groups organize ballot collection drives, because that's an integrity risk that seems ...
2/6... unnecessary to guarantee genuine right to vote. After much deliberation on this issue, the American Law Institute project on election administration (with bipartisan advisory panel) settled on right of voter to have someone else deliver ballot, but that other person ...
3/6 ... could deliver only 2 absentee ballots on same day, in order to avoid organized ballot harvesting. I haven't heard any new COVID-19 reasons for deviating from this well-considered nonpartisan conclusion from just last year: https://www.ali.org/news/articles/now-available-principles-law-election-administration/ On the other hand, ...
4/6 enforcement of a signature requirement to vote by mail, at a time when voters are supposed to shelter in place at home to flatten COVID-19 curve, might pose a real participation barrier to voter living alone & thus there may be pandemic-specific reason for adjusting this rule
5/6 Bottom line: we should be able to adopt sensible temporary rules for voting in time of pandemic, but doing so requires politicians to pursue issue with goal of assuring all eligible voters genuine opportunity to cast a ballot, not partisan goal of rules favoring one side. ...
6/6 Are America's politicians up to the challenge of providing appropriate adjustments to voting process in midst of pandemic, not to benefit themselves as incumbents & partisans, but to benefit the entire eligible electorate & democracy itself? I hope so, but history will judge.
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