One secret you learn as you grow older is that you can safely tell some people (whom others worship) to fuck off and go to Hell without any consequence or impact on your future.

When you are younger, you are worried that you may need them. When older, you don't care anymore.
Funny thing is that they actually respect you for telling them off if they are sensible. If they are vindictive then they deserve to be told to fuck off anyway.

Anyone who holds any sort of power over you does not deserve to be adored or appreciated in any way or manner.
I have partied with governors, Billionaires, and captains of industry. They get so much sycophancy around them daily that they seek close friends and family to tell them the truth about their fuck ups. I have also met some sick celebrities and VIPs who are certified psychopaths.
Two universal observations I have made about powerful people in positions of politics, industry or institutions:

1. They are not fools and usually intelligent in ways you may not expect.

2. Their sense of self-preservation/protection is more advanced than those of normal people
The intelligence they have is usually primal. I compare them to large cats. The term ”fat cats” is very apt. They are predatory even when they vow and swear that they aren't. They just have very diverse prey.

Their fail when their instincts fail them. Even Buffet uses instinct.
I never allow myself to be a rat for such people. They will use you and move without thinking twice. I have seen things that people cannot even imagine happening between powerful people with large egos. Sometimes, people do crazy things to remind others that they just can.
This is why I have a special disdain for politicians. The best politicians are probably also intelligence operatives. Never assume that they got there by luck. They are deliberate as fuck and they are masters of mind games.
Politics is a criminal enterprise. They just make you feel comfortable while they rob you.
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