#TheGoodDoctor At first I thought I was mad because I like Melendez ya know like he great and everything. But it's not just that. It's the scary message of the whole season. Shall we recap? All right @gooddrwriters @shorez here goes
1) Claire. Loses parent, best friend, love interest ALL IN THE SAME SEASON. Round and round and round in grief. God forbid a woman be left happy, huh? Where can her character go from here except being used as a punchbag some more? #Melendaire #ClaireBrowneDeservedBetter
2) Carly. Used and abused as a character to make Shaun grow into A Man. @TheJasikaNicole dumped as soon as she's not The Girlfriend, despite her character having an actual field of existence and expertise beyond Shaun. #CarlyLeverDeservedBetter
3) Lea. Expressed lack of desire for a romantic rel with Shaun multiple times. Stated valid concerns about said relationship. Was verbally abused by Shaun wielding a baseball bat. Two eps later, becomes damsel in distress, gets with Shaun. So romantic, @shorez
4) Women generally. Where did Andrews' wife go. Why did Jessica disappear without a trace. Where is Allegra. What was with the nurse in the bar with Shaun. Why are all these women props for men to interact with then fade into obscurity, #TheGoodDoctor ?
5) Melendez. Doesn't need much saying at this point but the only Hispanic character in @IamNickGonzalez, prob top 2/3 popularity overall, killed off for no narrative reason, disrupting two popular interracial relationships in favour of another (white) one. #BringBackMelendez
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