Mini-THREAD: people may not realize how hopeful @NYGovCuomo’s briefing was today.

We seem to be at or near the apex, already. Deaths down, admissions down, intubations down, discharges up.
2/n Andrew Cuomo: 74% of all those admitted to hospital in New York with COVID-19 have been discharged.

New York’s measures to build capacity to meet demand on the one hand, and to flatten the curve on the other, have worked.
3/n @NYGovCuomo discussed different models and whether the apex is a peak or a plateau; either way, the state is no longer climbing up a mountain.

This does not mean we relax controls too fast, like Hong Kong did.
4/n @NYGovCuomo confirmed that he, not @BilldeBlasio, canceled the St. Patrick’s Day parade and it is he, not @NYCMayor, who is closing the playgrounds in NYC Parks while keeping green spaces open. De Blasio is failing my city on a catastrophic level.
5/n through one of the most densely packed cities on earth and one of the most visited states in the union, Andrew Cuomo, @NYGovCuomo, has shepherded New Yorkers as safely as possible. We are seeing drops in every bad metric. Our Governor and @NYGov are saving lives.
6/n we are living through a natural disaster on the one hand and a model of leadership on the other, where the saving power of calm, good government, will be part of the history books for generations. God bless all of you in Albany. Thank you sir @NYGovCuomo. God bless New York.
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