Hongseok's live of Sunday, April 5, 2020 : a summary and quite useless thread 🌌
(I want to warn you that I am a beginner in korean, forgive and correct me if i made mistakes, I'm trying my best)
The introduction was so comfy 🥺
The "hi everyone~" will be my new favourite phrase~
He gives love since the start, and it's just for you~ 💜
Take it kindly, it's fragile ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
He started by talking about the playlist he listens to while working out: "boom boom boom, that kind of stuff"
He likes Kard and Monsta X's songs !
he wished a fan happy birthday, he/she is so lucky 💜
Btw happy birthday to everyone who was born today~
Hongseok staring at you for 15 seconds straight, plus a long sigh ☺️
I think I understood that he talked about the weather, and how it's good these days so he can easily take a coffee ☺️
he then shared what he ate (for lunch maybe), a meal with rice, tomato and eggs. Yummy yummy !! I want to try too (つ≧▽≦)つ
The meal thing was also him talking about his diet, he then explained it in English for us haha
I have mixed feeling towards this diet thing, but I don't want to see any Universe tell him (seriously, not just to joke around) how to manage his health, thank you unis 💜
Vid below
(I'm back !)
Here he's talking about the cake he wants so bad for his birthday 😭
And they're preparing something for soon but not really soon (ohhh ? Read To Kingdom ? 👀)
Road to kingdom*
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