Why are children safe?

"Fetal hemoglobin that binds oxygen more strongly than adult hemoglobin saves children (and sickle-cell patients where it persists longer) from heme-binding (O2 sequestering) proteins of anaerobic bacteria (Prevotella, et al)" https://osf.io/vzmf3/ 
What about children?

The type of hemoglobin changes through our life cyle.

HbF (fetal hemoglobin) is predominant in a new-born, and comes down within a year to our adult life percentage (less than 1%)

(not for everyone - but hold that thought)

Now, fetal hemoglobin binds oxygen much stronger.
So, maybe Prevotella cant break it (HbF) to access the heme.

"Thus, the key feature that allows hemoglobin F to bind more strongly to oxygen is by having γ subunits (instead of β, for example)"

Why does it still hold true in slightly elder children... https://twitter.com/sanchak74/status/1247740706501738498
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