2gether Episode 5 a thread; char breakdown.
he seriously looks like a bunny here. anyway, i don't know if he just wants trouble or HE WANTS TROUBLE. lol. But yeah, guys oftentimes tease each other like this. I even told the whole class about my friend's obsession with gluta back then. lol
well, i guess you guys haven't noticed because you just felt all giddy and weak in this scene but ... i don't really see any reaction from tine that he doesn't want what sarawat is doing. i mean, they don't need to pretend if they're alone, right?
Well, this scene looks cute lol. they can seriously pass as a comedic duo.
i probably know this already but deeeem. sarawat plays the guitar well, and can sing well. im mainly guessing through the fluctuations of his voice. lol feeling pro char
I think Win can play the guitar in real life too. I mean, look at those hands lol. When I was literally learning guitar, even if I knew the chords, I would literally cup the whole shit.
And yeah. Playing the guitar, i think, destroys your nails. I had a friend when I was in high school, he plays the guitar and he bites his nails. He reasons out that to play well, his nails should be long. But he bites them anyway so it's futile. He's half-idiot
And seriously though. Are picks really expensive? Zon in WHYRU basically told everyone that his pick cost him a few bucks. I mean, in the Philippines, you can buy one in a tiange for 150 pesos.
and don't forget I'm an idiot when it comes to musical instruments so yeaaah~ I'm probably talking baloney
But Tine literally cut the pick one half lengthwise LOL
I'm an idiot when it comes to musical instruments but I won't cut a pick lengthwise once. LOL
we can see Sarawat patting Tine's head. Notice Tine's reaction. He was surprised but not angry or awkward about it even though he kind of moved away on an approximate of 4.3 seconds. Recall when Mil did it to him. Poor bunny turned into confused gay in a matter of 0.1milliseconds
I don't know if Tine is smiling because as cheerleaders, they are supposed to smile or he's smiling because he just love to see Sarawat doing literally anything lol. see this... I mean, I'm not wrong right?
I'm not a 100% idiot to not know that it's a penalty kick LOL
I don't know why the hell am I rolling my eyeballs at that scene. I always does whenever there's a football game in the series. I also did the same in Lovesick, Love By Chance, and Together with Me. LOLOLOLOL
Let me give y'all a bonus.
goddamn little....
I swear, this is the first time I saw a series, with football, but without that water (from the water bottle) pouring over the head thing. I mean, almost everyone do it. Even Mario did (crazy little thing called love)
YASSS! I actually like this actor so much. I first saw him on the sidestories of UPRINCE and I liked his character there (lol ung-ung - dolphin sound), then I followed him to Dark Blue Kiss (citing a bit familiar series here), up to here. I forgot his name. I followed him in IG.
He posted a story about the Philippines. I'll check it out later, see if I can still recover that story.
We all have one friend who acts like this (*when they are not even in a relationship with the girl*). I actually have one, there was one time I had to slap the shit out of him for puking on our table.
Bonus. Btw, hi gunsmile - I really hated your character in Kiss Me Again The Series. Anyway, nice seeing you again after Sotus.
I swear, I feel like this is Gunsmile just being himself for the whole series.

And yeah. If you wanna know more about Sarawat, ask Tine about it.
Correct me if I'm wrong but this is Mike, right? He was also in Theory of Love. How can I forget? He was the one who suggested to Khai that he should test Third's feelings. I haven't forgotten a thing. But since you'd be doing Sarawat and Tine a favor here, I'll let it slide. hek
This is also one of the few series (that I watched) that does not censor alcohol. I initially thought they were just ginger ale. lolllolol
This is literally me dragging my bestfriend's drunken ass out of the club.
i didn't know he can't handle alcohol in this series. lol. but anyways, that will come in handy in the upcoming episodes. Lol
Win pouting. A blessing to your toxic feed, y'all.
I swear, if one of my friends just randomly sleep in the gutter, I'd fucking leave them there. jk. I'm a sympathetic person who can't get drunk. Of course, my super ego will tell me to pick that friend's ass. damn
HOW LONG IS THIS THREAD BTW, we still in 15 minute mark damn it LOL.
I'm curious though. How often does Boss and Man hang out in Sarawat's apartment anyway?
And why the hell are Tine's buddies on his room?! Aren't they living in one apartment complex? (or not?) I saw him going to Fong one time and they literally made it look like Fong's house was miles away from Tine's. Lol. That was on Episode 7.
You'd know people who can play guitar by the way they hold the instrument. If you ask me to hold it, I'd do it haphazardly. But look at how Sarawat holds it. Even if he do it in the most manly way possible, he's making sure not to damage it. Lol. I ain't like that.
And I don't know how to fucking play.
If someone would ask me what my type is ... I can only say 'someone who can start an intellectual conversation' but in reality, I don't have one. I literally don't have interest in engaging in any intimate or sexual relationship to someone. and idk why
this is all because Tine kept asking Sarawat what his ideal type is
I swear, Fong is like the main character for a good 30 minutes in episode 5. Good screentime there. But yeah, as a violent, warshocked, drunk first year college students. Lol.
He seriously had the guts to be surprised. Lol.
SANA LAHAT pota. When I was in college, only a few friends asked me to eat with them. Most of the time I ate alone. Tine should actually be thankful that someone wanted to eat with him. HUHU
I need to read the novel to know how obsessed Sarawat is to Tine's nips. The hell. Pababoy na ako ng pababoy
I'm still thankful for my college for having a uniform. But it could have been great if the color was white. I really like white uniforms. Plus long sleeves (on the other hand, i think not. philippines is hot as fuck, i'd die wearing long sleeves on a hot afternoon)
How to change Tine's mood: mention that there will be a Scrubb's concert. He'd probably crack a smile right away.
If I had watched 2gether in the middle (let's say I did not know about the fake dating thing), I would immediately conclude that Sarawat was Tine's boyfriend as early as Episode 4. In Episode 5, he honestly was sad coz he cannot see Tine coz of his tight schedule.
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